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HMM-164 Flying Deat...
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HMM-164 Flying Death

44 Posts
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I have completed my book and it was a long time in coming. From 1965 to 1969 - was a changing time for this country. The title is - Flying Death - The Vietnam Experience. This book gives a different prospective of the war through the eyes of a crew chief.

Did the troops ever think about the crews of the choppers as we went through our flights? What did it take to keep the choppers flying or even get them off of the ground? Being a crew chief is the most responsible job that a person could have in their life. There were also many lessons that were learned about life during this time.

I thank my brothers that have read the book and for their comments. Thank you for the support and your faith in me, as I venture into this new territory of being an author. My HMM-164/262 families are alive and well.

Wish me luck in this new endeavor.

The book is available through a link in the book section of this site.

Posted : 2007-07-03 13:28
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Good Luck!

Wish you the best with the book! How can I get a copy??

Posted : 2007-07-05 07:45
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There is shortcut on Popasmoke at Freedom Hill PX -- Books


www.authorhouse.com - go to the book store and type in the book title

Thank you for the support

Posted : 2007-07-05 16:58
Posts: 4
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Just ordered Flying Death on line. Can't wait to read it. I also want to thank you for the time I know you spent in writing it - Semper Fi and Good Luck.

Posted : 2007-07-11 21:35
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Me too!!

My copy is enroute as well, Sam! Looking forward to it.....

My good friend Doug Morrison (HMM-262 HAC) and I have each written a few "chapters" of our own over the years. On RVN and stateside issues and general CH-46 "stuff". We haven't worked on it in a long time and need to get back to it. Probably need a few more chapters to call it "done". Maybe sooner rather than later.....

Posted : 2007-07-12 10:09
Posts: 1
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Good luck with the book. My grandson likes to hear my stories about being a crew chief for HMM-164 in 1967. Now I can give him a book that I'm sure mirrors my experience.


Posted : 2007-07-21 20:06
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Thank you

I really appreciate your support.

Everyone has a view point and we have a different insight to flying, fighting and war. We actually established the maintenance and flight procedures used in combat today. After forty plus years, the Phrog is still doing its job. We have a proud legacy for our younger Marines to follow.

As we get older the layers of dust on the brain gets deeper -- LOL -- Lets get our stories out. Nobody can tell our stories for us -- we have to do it.

Semper Fi

Posted : 2007-07-22 12:45
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Book is in!

Just got the book and finished reading about Sam's first in-country flight! Good stuff, Sam! Thanks for sharing.

Posted : 2007-07-24 06:56
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Flying Death

From Joe Reed,
By the way, I finished your book, and enjoyed it very much. Good job. May give me the impetus to get mine back in gear, before I FORGET anything else! LOL!

Joe, I got your comments and thank you for your support. I have received some great comments on the book. I am waiting for the arrival of my press and marketing kits so that I can really get the book off of the ground. It seems like writing the book was the easy part -- It is certainly not a Harry Potter -- LOL -- I will just keep on turning and burning -- smile.

Semper Fi

Posted : 2007-08-01 09:41
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Something New

I have a web site - www.sambeamon.com

Take a look and see what is happening and what people had to say about the book. Autographed copies are available - email me at crewchf164@aol.com for more information.

Thanks again for your support.
Semper Fi

Posted : 2007-09-14 17:18
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Flying Death


Check out the news story and video


Semper Fi

Posted : 2007-11-13 14:50
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Book Update

Books sales are continuing to grow -- Thank you for your support. The book is available online at: Barnes and Noble. com, Target, Amazon.com, as well at AuthorHouse.com.

Book reviews and comments have been posted on - www.sambeamon.com. The words given by those that I served with means the world to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Posted : 2008-04-23 15:54
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

Great read Sam, thanks! Hey are you going down for Col Shadrick's services at Arlington? Rich Cortigine, Buda and I plan on being there. John Alexander is coming in from Maui.

Posted : 2008-04-24 12:04
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Tim, I am planning on taking that ride to Arlington -- one more time.

Posted : 2008-04-25 15:55
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

Sam would that one more time be for your dirt nap? That's where I want to go too, with all my friends.

Posted : 2008-04-25 17:33
Tom Thompson
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

Loved it

Great read Sam - I thoroughly enjoyed it cover to cover -

I tried logging on to your site - no luck??



Posted : 2008-04-26 10:19
Al Frisenda
Posts: 1
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Flying Death

I read your book, Sam, and it was outstanding! It certainly brought back some fond memories. I have a grandson that is considering joining the Marine Corps. He wants to be a jet engine mechanic. I'm trying to get him to read your book because I think it will help motivate him. Again, congrats on a well written book.

Semper Fi,
Al Frisenda

Posted : 2008-05-13 10:08
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Book Update

Book sales are continuing to grow. I hope to soon have it in the Barnes and Noble stores, although they have it online as well as Amazon. I really appreciate the support that I have received.

It has been 233 years of dedicated service to our country -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINES

Semper Fi

Posted : 2008-11-10 12:09
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Flying Death

I had to post this review of my book by a fellow Crew Chief. I think that I touched a nerve or two -- Thanks Andy! We remember and will never forget.

I'm proud to call Sam Beamon a friend and brother. I served with Sam and he was one of the best. Not too surprising, his recounting of the events and his experiences in Viet Nam in his book are outstanding. The tears flowed from my eyes and I laughed as I relived all those moments we shared. You spoke for all of us Sam. This story needed to be told and you told it without reservation. You bared your soul for everyone to see. Only a Marine would have the courage to do that. I salute you Sam.

James (Andy) Anderson
p.s. Sam, I mean every word of this. I love you
Semper Fi

Posted : 2009-01-27 00:44
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I just received this inspiring review of the book and wanted to share it. A special thanks to all of those that have suppported me in this endeavor.

I got my copy of your book on Wednesday, and finished reading it yesterday. I could not put it down!!! It brought back a lot of things I have not thought about in 40 years. 164 was a very special squadron and as you said the crews shared a bond that most people will never understand. Even though I was not on flight status my entire time in the Nam, the months I did fly left their mark on me. The time aboard ship as well as the stay at Phu Bai shaped my life or really made me grow up.

I sincerely hope that in the not to distant future we can get together and talk. There are a lot of things that can only be shared with someone who has been part of a Combat Air Crew on a 46. I have a very vivid memory of you and some events that took place aboard ship. As I have replayed these events and the effect they had on me I realize that you becoming a Police Officer and reaching the rank of Lieutenant fit the man I knew in 164. I guess the only surprise is that you did not become chief.

I will close with this thought. As Mike Botch implied, I never knew your were black, I just knew you were Sam.
Semper Fi
Jim Boyce

Posted : 2009-03-13 16:19
Posts: 0
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This says it all

This was emailed to me and after reading this, writing my book makes a lot of sense. This cemetery stone is in Claremont, Ohio.

Attached files

Posted : 2009-05-27 15:59
Posts: 0
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Flying Death

It has been two years - I thank all for the support of my book. This has truly been an experience that I could have never dreamed of. The reviews have been awesome.

A link is still available on this site or www.sambeamon.com

Semper Fi

Attached files

Posted : 2009-07-18 13:33
Posts: 0
New Member

New Web Site

I have another web site -- www.filedby.com -- my other site is not working right but you can still go to www.sambeamon.com for reviews, guest book and ordering information.

Posted : 2009-10-10 16:53
Posts: 0
New Member

Signed Copies

I have signed copies of my book available. Personalize your copy by ordering it from me. I will sign and ship it to you. Contact me at -- crewchf164@aol.com and I will send you the information on getting your copy. Please checkout my web site for reviews by those that I served with in combat. -- www.sambeamon.com

Thank you for your support.

Posted : 2010-04-12 11:13
Posts: 0
New Member

Book Review

I just received this review of my book. It is from a civilian in Texas and she had a lot to say. This lady said some things that we all can appreciate.

An excellent blend of historical accounts of both family and military life. You have included historical facts that should reach every one of today’s youth. 

This story could have been told before, by anyone else, but certainly not as graphic as it was through the eye of Samuel Beamon. My book has coffee stains, as well as tear stains. I was right there on the scene in combat with you, Sam. Having little or no prior knowledge of this or any war, I now feel as though I have been in combat. Never, have I read any material which painted such a graphic ,vivid picture of events.

My only question is why didn’t the helicopter crew chiefs receive any recognition or media coverage during the war as did other facets of the armed services? These guys were truly the backbone for those on the ground. So very many depended on them for everything from provisions to evacuations. Yet, they were never mentioned. If so, I never heard anything about them on the news. That, in itself, is sad to me. Talk about unsung heroes!

I’m reminded of a gentleman who attended one of our elementary school veteran’s day programs. He sat, unrecognized, among the other veterans, through the program. After, I approached him while others were surrounded by familiar faces, and introduced myself. I ask him if he enjoyed the program. Then I noticed that he started to fight back tears. When I asked if he was all right, he replied, “yes, it’s the first time anybody ever said thanks to me and I’ve been home for forty+ years”. I was touched that day and it set me to wondering how many others were in his shoes. Why haven’t we, as a country, given not only recognition, but simple respect to those who risked their lives daily so that we might enjoy the pursuit of happiness.

If I could entertain one giant fantasy, that would be me embracing every single Black enlisted man who fought for our country with an agape love hold. I would hold him tight and relay the message, 1. I am so very proud of you for putting your life on the line for idiots like us who just didn’t know better, 2. I am so sorry that you laid your life on the line daily in harmony with your fellow man, only to come home to be a second class citizen in your country, 3. You may not have been recognized before, but this one’s for you. 4. I would hold you through every single episode of PTSD and try to absorb some of the pain you endure. 

And you, Sam, having gone through everything you have, to come home and continue to fight a different war, the battle of the streets, are to be commended high above all the others. My hat goes off to you.!

Posted : 2010-05-01 02:22
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