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Fsb Russell With Lz

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First of all I want to thank all of you for being there for us as you were are only way on and off the hill!!!!

Now for my question, FSB or as we called it LZ RUSSELL , I waswith H/3/12 3rd mar div ,we we a 105 arty btry the hill had 3 guns on top with the LZ and 3 guns on a lower finger ,the FDC bunker where I worked was on top next to the lz and a few times the pilot thought the top of our bunker was the lz lol

I was told to put this and you might rember it
located 10 miles from Laos and 21 clicks west of cam lo , 4 clicks south of DMZ, XD912529 (QUANG TRI PROVINCE) , WAS OVERRUN BY 200 MAN SAPPER UNIT OF THE 27TH NVA REGMT ON FEB. 25 1969 ANY HELP WOULD BE SO HELPFUL !!!!!!!

By the way I work with one of your members Chuck Bailey we are good buddys , again THANK YOU FOR THEN AND NOW

John Dalton

Posted : 2004-04-25 03:08
Posts: 0
New Member

LZ Russell

Flew as a gunner on an H-34 with H&MS-36 when we took a load of replacements in shortly after. Might have been Zoomie Zehms driving.

Wayne Stafford

Posted : 2004-04-25 11:57
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

LZ Russell

I was the door gunner on the first med-evac chopper in that morning. We were refueling at Vandergrift when the call came in and a flight of two CH-53's from HMH-462 were the first two birds in the zone.
There were still arty shells cooking off as well as small arms rounds. It made for a hairy landing and once on the ground we were enveloped in ground fog as well as the smoke from the detonating rounds in the ammo pit.
As I recall, there were at total of about 78 dead and over a hundred wounded.
Coincidentially, that was my last flight as a gunner, as I was commissioned shortly thereafter.
I am a member of the LZ Russell Association.

Semper Fi,

H. H. "Duke" Dearing
GySgt/Lt USMC - HMH-462

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way" - Semper Fi - Duke

Posted : 2004-04-25 22:07