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Ex-Support of USMC

3 Posts
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Posts: 896
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From: Jerryjax@aol.com

Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: Ex-Support of USMC

A friend of my son put me onto your website. I just spent 15 minutes looking and you have a great site. I will come back often.

I am a former Army Aviator and flew 01 Birdogs (220th Recon Airplane Company - "Catkillers") in support of the 3rd Marine Division 1966-1967 out of Hue Citadel. We had a platoon of Birdogs at the airfield inside the Citadel. Most of our missions were flown with a Marine observer in the back seat. And, when an AO was not there we still used Marine artillery and air to support the guys on the ground. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the Marines I met, especially the few I was able to meet that we flew over on the ground.

Our company also had platoons at Marble Mountain and Quang Ngi. In short, we covered all of I Corps. My platoon also started the missions "north" out of Dong Ha. We flew a lot of hours during Operation Hastings and all other USMC operations north of Da Nang. You guys in helos earned your pay during Hastings (and a lot of other missions).

A couple of your helicopters flew with me back into Phu Bai one day when I developed a rough engine - thanks!

I did a 2nd tour in RVN, again back in I Corps, but my 66-67 tour supporting the Marines was my most memorable.

The Hue Citadel Birdog platoon was recommended and awarded the Navy Presidential Unit Citation by the Marine Corps. We appreciate that.

Jerry Jackson
Catkiller Lima

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-02-20 04:09
Posts: 3125
Active Members

Killer Cats

Hey Jerry,
You guys helped us find folks more than once while flying out of Phu Bai, the thanks and respect goes both ways!
I don't believe those stories about a .45 at your head the whole way either! LOL! Just kidding of course.;)

Posted : 2003-02-20 12:48
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Jerry, were you there when that Marine huey got hit with a mortor round in '67? I got some pictures of that plane.
Also, you guys had a VERY nice stores of "hooch" that saw our MPCs going into. lol
Semper Fi,
jd "Falcon"

"Life is tough. It's a lot tougher if your stupid." Sgt Stryker,"Sands of Iwo Jima"

Posted : 2003-07-18 10:29