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Did the NVA really use bicycles ?

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GIs Put a Halt To Freewheeling

CHU LAI, Vietnam (Special)

-Most enemy caches contain weapons, ammunition or rice, but not the one found by

an element of Americal Div.'s 196th Infantry Brigade.

While on a search and clear mission, D Co., 4th Bn., 31st Inf., found and improved dirt road in the Que Son Valley- with signs of recent heavy enemy traffic.

"Heavy overhead cover from jungle vines and trees had concealed the road form our reconnaissance," said Capt. Henry Robinson, company commander.

D Co. followed the trail about 6,00 meters into the hills.

"We crossed two bridges of heavy bamboo with rock foundations," said Robinson. "Soon my point man spotted a well-concealed hutch with three NVA guards."

A group of GIs crawled up to the hutch and took the guards by surprise.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when we entered the hutch," the CO said. "The place was packed full of bicycles of all makes-Chinese, British and a few Schwinns."

The rear of the bicycles had been adapted with woven baskets to carry ammunition.

All told, 36 enemy bicycles, along with three rifles and a quantity of ammunition, were found.

Stars & Stripes 03 September 1968

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-11-24 17:00