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Anyone remember thi...
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Anyone remember this.....

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 53
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I remember this happening around late 70-early 71 and then read about it later in the Readers Digest "Humor in Uniform". The story goes something like this........

A corporal was manning the night watch at the Marble Mountain Control Tower when he heard on the radio "Marble Tower, Marble Tower, come In Marble Tower" He answered "This is Marble Tower, Identify yourself" The pilot replied "Guess Who" and after a bunch of BS, identified himself and landed. For several nights the same pilot flew the same missions and gave the same corporal the same BS before landing. Well, the corporal got a night off and was down at the club putting down a few and started thinking of this pilot. He went up to the tower thinking "I'll end this BS" As he sat there in the tower, he heard his voice,"Marble Tower, Marble Tower, come in Marble Tower". He grabbed the mike and said "this is Marble Tower, identify yourself", the pilot replied "Guess who?" The corporal shut the lights off on the runway and said "Guess where"

Posted : 2008-10-06 14:59