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aerial delivery of cargo by CH-46 via paradrops

4 Posts
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Evaluation of aerial delivery of cargo by CH-46 continued by MAG-36 aircraft during December 1968. Three test drop flights have been flown with a total of 17 internal and 3 external drops accomplished. The evaluation is incomplete but data indicates that CH-46 delivery of internal loads by means of delay and zero delay paradrops is operationally feasible under visual conditions. Radar is not available at HUE/PHU BAI for IFR evaluation and work conditions on external delivery.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-05-17 14:32
Bo Honeycutt
Posts: 3
New Member



I flew a mission with HMM-161 at Quang Tri in either late 68' or early 69' doing just this (paradrops) and I have to say it was definitely not the greatst of ideas. We did one on instruments (somewhat aided by radar at Quang Tri) and the grunts said their "stuff" was all over the area, and not too close to their pos. The second one we did VFR at 1500 feet altitude. The results: NOT TOO GOOD!! When you have no guidance and there are winds, the results should be predictable...Bad. The pilot on that particular mission was Bob Fabinsky, I think. It wasn't tried too many times again. Semper Fidelis, Bo out

Posted : 2003-10-14 15:49
Posts: 3
New Member

Paradrops at FSB Argonne

During the early days of our (D 1/4) re-taking of FSB Argonne (around 3-20-69), due to heavy mortar fire on the lower LZ (upper LZ fouled by downed UH-1) resupply was attempted via paradrop. There were 3 external paradrops attempted, none came close to the FSB. Due to the heavy AA fire around this FSB, the drops were made from an altitude that made probability of success marginal. All were later destroyed by fixed wing to avoid there use by NVA.
It would be 2-3 days before A 1/4 sweeping west of Argonne, relieved pressure on incoming aircraft and LZ was re-opened.

Semper Fi,


Posted : 2004-01-22 15:09
Posts: 5
Active Member

Thanks Jody
You gave me info about the 23 Mar 69 patrol on which PFC Norman Beck was KIA. Was very helpful to our 50th High School reunion. Semper Fi. Jeff Swanson

Posted : 2019-08-29 23:07