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A COUNTY FAIR in Vietnam?

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An important counterinsurgency operation that was conducted was "COUNTY FAIR."

Gen Krulak explained the concept of COUNTY FAIR in a letter to Mr. Robert Komer, Special Assistant to the President. The idea was to focus on one village, a village that still contained some VC. He warns that the surrounding villages must be under government control to preclude the guerrillas from entering a nearby village. The intent was to clear all of the VC from the village and to begin a pacification program and conduct civic action. South Vietnamese civilian and military personnel would conduct the activities in the village. Popular Forces (Vietnamese self-defense units), Combined Action Platoons, Marine units, or Army of Vietnam (ARVN) forces would remain behind after the actual operation to provide security to the village until all of the VC had been killed or driven off.

COUNTY FAIR operations aimed at both the guerrilla and his supporting infrastructure in the selected village. The technique consisted of Marines rapidly forming a wide cordon around the village. This was to prevent any VC from escaping. Subsequently, RVN Forces personnel would enter the village to check the identity of the villagers and to interrogate them. Searches were conducted for arms, VC, food caches, tunnels, etc. While this was occurring entertainment and lectures were also provided.

The 9th Marines Command Chronology provides some aplification on COUNTY FAIR operations. These operations were normally of approximately two days duration. During this time the Marines maintained the cordon while the RVN Forces personnel interacted with the villagers. This government interaction was a key point because an important purpose in these operations was developing the confidence and a positive attitude in the people towards the government and local officials.

9th Marines Command Chronology

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-11-07 17:12