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26 Jan 68, Hill 881

4 Posts
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The following message, received via the POPASMOKE website:

J. "Hooch" Gunnie

I stumbled across your site and just had to send my sincerest thanks for all you and the many others did for us grunts on the ground. 26 Jan 68, Hill 881, I was raked across both legs severely, and while waiting for evac, corpsman kept telling me you guys were coming to hang in there, I began drifting in and out, I do remember one part clearly though, I was being carried to the bird when the corpsman carrying took a hit, few yards from you guys, I waved off, but it was a like a minute later this soldier was dragging me and lifting me in, and I remember that damn strange looking helmet....

Who ever the crewman was...I owe my life.... I never found out his name or the crews name, but I want to sincerely thank him and the rest of your boys for all you did, for with out you...
There is no doubt I would not be here today.....
Thank You from deep within my heart....

P.S. I did make it back, I have to use a cane since, and my legs aren't 100% but they work for what otherwise could have been the end, Except for the day You guys came.... SALUTE !!!

Posted : 2005-10-03 21:05
Bernie Gordon
Posts: 11
Active Member

In all liklihood it would have been a bird from HMM-163, if it was an H-34. HMM-163 off-loaded from the LPH into Quang Tri as the first squadron assigned to the new airfield. We supported medivac missions day and night for Khe San and the DMZ, so the odds are it would have been them. In fairness, however, it should be noted that, frequently, any aircraft available would be used to expedite the medivac as it took quite a while to fly from Quang Tri to Khe San. In late 67, we would station the a medevac aircraft at the airbase at Khe San. This went on until it became to damaging with the base being constantly shelled. Don't remember when exactly we stopped positioning aircraft there. Hope this helps.

Semper Fi,

Bernie Gordon
HMM-163 '67 - '68

Posted : 2006-01-25 11:39
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Khe Sahn 'Jan. '68

I believe that they had already ceased parking at Khe sanh during TET. We did some Evacs from there in HMM-165, but it would've been much later.....

Posted : 2006-01-26 09:41
Mike Mullen
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Khe Sanh and surrounding Hilltops in 1967-1968

We Flying Tigers of HMM-262 spent many a night in the command bunker (or a ditch) while our CH-46s sat in the revetments and took flak.......we had a presence there many nights and nearly everyday in some form.....resupply, medevac from the matted areas of the base (and hills 881, 881N, 861, 689...and 950)....and of course, the Supergaggle....we were accompanied (and sometimes lead by) HMM-364,the Purple Foxes, and our sister-squadron at Quang Tri, HMM-161. VMO-6 Huey Guns, and Marine A-4s out of Chu Lai tried to keep us all safe. We all gave some....some gave all.

Semper Fidelis,


Posted : 2006-01-26 20:09