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My trip to Camp Pendleton MCRD

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I wanted to let you all know about a trip I took down to southern CA last week. It turned out to be absolutely wonderful – and not just because of the wonderful weather! Everywhere I went, I definitely got the special treatment and it was a perfect way for me to spend the 35th anniversary of my father’s crash in Vietnam. Being with Purple Fox veterans and active-duty military really made it meaningful for me.

On Thursday, Gooie Gomez (a Purple Fox crew chief) and his wife Carleen took me down to Camp Pendleton where we visited the active-duty Purple Fox unit. Lt. Davidge – the S-5 officer – gave us the grand tour. We were taken everywhere in the building, which really made me laugh because doors, stairs and all sorts of random places were painted purple – it was great! I was finally able to meet Captain Justin Marvel for the first time in person. Captain Marvel is the one who headed up and put many hours of work into getting my father his wings and I was finally able to thank him in person.

The highlight came when we went out to the flight line. All sorts of helicopters flying around – Huey’s, Cobra’s, 53’s, and of course, the 46’s. We put on the cranial helmets and walked out into the middle of the action. One bird was waiting for us and Lt. Davidge and a pilot who was visiting from HMM-268 explained all the finer details to me. I was able to sit in the pilot’s seat for probably 30 minutes and watch all the activity around us. I saw all the helicopters flying around, maneuvering, hovering, landing, taking off…. it was absolutely incredible for me to be in the middle of it. Nothing like it as you guys that have done it know! 🙂

When they were finally able to drag me away from the flight deck, we met the CO – Col Radich – and the XO – Major Mee of the Foxes. I had not met either of them before and they made sure that we were seeing all we wanted.

They gave us gifts of Purple Fox patches, the CO’s Purple Fox coin, and one item that any Vietnam-era Purple Fox will find interesting. In continuing the tradition started in Vietnam of Purple Fox calling cards, the current unit has created an updated version for their missions in Iraq. With a picture of Swifty, it reads as follows:

Swifty says “Give a ****.” This ride brought to you by the World Famous Purple Foxes of HMM-364. Sure, it is the oldest pig in the fleet. And yes, it leaks a lot. But you ain’t walkin!

Then we went into the supply room where they turned off all the lights and showed us the night-vision goggles – something I had not seen before and was fascinated by.

My visit truly exceeded all expectations and I was amazed by how much time and thoughtfulness they put into our visit.

The next day, we went down to MCRD for the color parade and a graduation. Gooie had previously met the Base Commander, BGen Paxton, who had the protocol officer arrange for VIP seating for us at the graduation. When we arrived at the ceremony, I was amazed to see that we had received front-row seating. But if I was amazed at that, I was stunned when I saw that I was seated next to General Paxton! I tried to make Gooie sit by him, but he wouldn’t hear of it.

General Paxton arrived and we were introduced and he soon made me forget my nervousness. He is truly wonderful and put me right at ease. He answered all my questions during the ceremony, pointed out ‘insider’ information on the happenings, and in general just made me feel very special. My brother had graduated from MCRD back in September of 1990, and I wasn’t able to go to his graduation having just started college in Washington DC. General Paxton asked lots of questions about my brother’s time in the service and I told him how jealous my brother was going to be when I got back home and told him about the ceremony. Haha.

On Saturday, I went to visit Col Gene Brady, who was recovering from surgery in the hospital. (Gene was the CO of the Purple Foxes the day of my father’s crash.) I was able to spend about an hour visiting with he and Ginny and they both actually looked really great. They are looking forward to the Pop A Smoke reunion in Reno in just a few months.

That evening I went to a play on Vietnam with the Gomez’s, Richard Bianchino (a Purple Fox pilot) and his wife, Brenda. While the play was difficult to watch at times, bringing up a lot of emotions, it was still a perfect way for me to pay tribute to my father and the men that died with him so many years ago.

Unfortunately, I had to return home to Portland and 33 degree weather. (I’m most definitely ready to move to Southern California at this point!) While it is always sad to return home after such a wonderful time, I will close by saying that I continue to be amazed at the generosity and true interest of all our active-duty Marines today. I don’t think my visit to either base could have turned out any better! What a great life I lead surrounded by such wonderful people!

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2004-02-12 20:59