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The Gathering - 2007

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To All Red Lions,

Our Gathering at Pensacola was more than I could have wished for. The weather, the food and drink, but most of all, those that attended made it quite the success. Hope you don't mind if I use some of those in attendance's statements. "Excellent". "Outstanding". "All they wanted it to be and more". And you Red Lions yourselves made it everything that it was. One pilot stated "It was like we picked up the whole squadron out of Vietnam and set them down at Pensacola, all just a little older and a little heavier, but still all the same". Another stated "It was the best time he had since 1968". The commradarie, brotherhood and love that was being passed around that beach was just unbelievable. One of our Lionettes said she had never seen her husband so happy and hug so many men because he just hadn't done that sort of thing ever before. I would also like to comment on the beautiful and lovely contingent of Lionettes present. Also, they pitched in and done such a wonderful job in helping to get things done. The hotel staff made our stay extremely pleasant with not only their help, but the outstanding facilities they made available to us was first class. I hope I speak for Hank Amparan and Brook Stevenson when I say, Thank You to all who attended. It was a true pleasure and honor to have helped put this Gathering together. Very seldom does a man have the opportunity to stand and spend time with men of your caliber. Some look at us as yesterday's heroes but I know, today you are just good men that still care about each other. I am humbled beyond words to have served with you, for you are the best of the best. I have passed the hat to Mike Tripp, so look forward to another Gathering in 2009.
Larry "Pops" Powell

Posted : 2007-10-07 17:03