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One of own down

2 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 64
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To All Red Lions,

It gives me great despair to report to you that our brother Lt. Dennis Duffy (Col. Ret.) is now fighting a fierce battle with cancer. He underwent surgery yesterday and the recommendation is he starts radiation, then chemo ASAP.
Duff is a great guy as we all know and would probably stand me up tall if he knew I was posting this message. Please pray for Duff and his family.

Well wishes may be sent to duffy470@earthlink.net

Will post more as we know.

Semper Fi,
Larry "Pops" Powell

Posted : 2007-02-10 19:18
Posts: 64
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One of our Own Down

Friends of Retired Col. Dennis Duffy,

Duff is now home recuperating from surgery which did not go as well as hoped for. He is being as positive as he can and he is continuing treatment as recommended by his doctors. He is not up to having visitors at this time but says how grateful he is for the well wishes received from everyone via email. He is not changing any plans and hopes to see us all at Pensacola to crack open a few and B/S with everyone. Please continue the emails at

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2007-02-18 16:30