Hello HMM-363 Squadron members,
Our Squadron Web site http://www.hmm-363.us is back up. You can also get there by going to
http://www.hmm-363.net or http://www.hmm-363.org , we don't have the ".com" address yet, but we hope to soon. The NOTAM for the Squadron site should be up shortly. I am working on the Photos pages, about 10% is done.
I did send everyone that I had an email address for a notice of this update, but if you didn't receive one then we don't have your email address. So please update your contact information and if you are in touch with other HMM-363 vets, let them know or ask them if they have heard of or have seen the email or this posting; spread the word.
Also, you can email me with your information if you don't have it on POPASMOKE for contact for at least the squadron.
More News and Requests!
I have been in touch with one of our COs. I spoke today to Retired Col. Duwayne W. Hoffert. He is doing ok and indicated that he would make every attempt to come to the Reunion this coming August. I personally would like to see a very good turn out for this reunion for all of our members (especially the absent pilots). We are not getting any younger.
I need everyone's assistance so that we can help Mike Tripp update the Squadron Mailing list including new addresses, email addresses and phone numbers. I have been going through the database and I sadly have to report that a lot of information is out of date and in some cases none existant when just a couple years ago it may have been viable information.
If you have been in contact with fellow members but they do not have any contact information on the POPASMOKE site, please ask them to at least contact Mike Tripp or myself. Both of our email addresses are on the site or you can go to the Squadron site and use one of the 'Mail' links on most of the page bottoms.