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HMM-263 Last Reno Update

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What do you get when you mix together 115/145 Av/Gas with JP-5, Old Dogs and not so young New Phrogs, six restaurants ranging from Mexican to buffet and everything in between, old liars and with CRS-- better liars with better stories, Mike “Everything I touch turns to money” Hardesty (rumor has it he was under guard when he checked out of the hotel), a retired Lt. General as a guest speaker, first time attendees, many time attendees and beautiful women? Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention “TAZ” the Devil Dog!!

You have the best damn HMM-263 reunion ever held. And that’s no lie G.I.!!! What a great time everyone had. My e-mail box is full of good comments that are coming in from all over the country. And that’s where we all came from to share some laughs and memories. Everyone is looking forward to the next one in Ft. Worth, Texas.
Mel Davis is already working on a hospitality suite, T. C. Moyer is working on adding to our great banner and the reunion date is only 754 and a wake up away!!!
Your job and mine is to help make the next one even better. Help spread the word to all members of HMM-263. Send me the e-mail addresses of all the members that you know who aren’t members of Popasmoke. If no known e-mails then last known phone numbers. I’ll try to get in contact with them and to urge them to join us at Ft. Worth
Remember, not much will happen for the next 1 ¼ year. But as soon as I start hearing from the reunion coordinators, I’ll start the ball rolling by getting in contact with you.
Take care and stay healthy.

S/F Gary
Class of ’66-‘67

Posted : 2004-07-16 01:34