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sea stories and Evil Eye history

3 Posts
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Hello every one.
I am a current Evil Eye/ Ridgerunner I've been with this unit for 5 years, and I want to know more about the history and stories about this wonderful unit. It is a Tradition of Excellance and it carries on with us "NEW CORPS MARINES". So if any of you out there want to share some stories or history please let me know. 😎

Posted : 2004-10-26 21:23
Posts: 3132
Active Members

"Evil Eye" history

Check out Norm Urban's story on the links/stories page. Tells how the "Evil Eyes" came to appear on "our" birds. Interesting details. The squadron has a great history including Viet Nam and afterwards, including saving homes from flood waters of the Santa Ana river in 1969 by dropping junk cars on the river banks and saving cattle in Corona, Ca. from the same flood season.

Semper Fi and welcome aboard!

Posted : 2004-10-27 07:02
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Posts: 73
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HMM-163 has and will continue to be a find sqd. They hosted HMM-770 on their ATD's several times in 73-77, one I remember well as we were making last Phrog det and one aircraft 153980 was giving us heell from day 1. During last week it had a dual tranny chip lights on final into Tustin, later requiring tranny changes and also a Nose Strut change. 163 had been NORS for both for months. We talked our Supply Sgt into doing a tour of the station warehouse for these items and low and bfhold found a strut and not one but two aft trannys. The eyes were not happy kinda redeyed.

top A

Posted : 2004-10-27 23:36