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Kia 681017 (hmm-161)

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E-mail from a family member:

Incident Date: 681017 (HMM-161)
Name: Paula Frantz Rodriguez
Email: pfrodrig@gmail.com
Relationship: Sister of William D. Frantz

I was in 4th grade when I learned of my brother's death. So many years have passed but it feels like just yesterday. I have been to the Wall and have alway's wondered about the men he served with. I happened across your website dedicated to such individuals. To my surprise, my brother and the men he served with were shown. They were all so young and I will never understand that war. However, I am proud to be the sister of one of the crew and it is an honor to now have faces to go with the names. I keep their families in my prayers and recognize their sacrifice to our country. Thank you for not forgetting these men and for keeping them alive in the hearts and minds of those who knew and loved them.

Paula Frantz Rodriguez

Posted : 2008-08-21 08:10