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HML-367 Cobra list

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I'm putting together a list of the AH-1Gs that were assigned to HML-367. I've got all (I think) of the serial numbers but several of the side numbers are missing. Here's what I've found so far:
VT-1 815073
VT-3 817049
VT-4 815085
VT-5 815104
VT-6 815105
VT-8 815113
VT-9 815134
VT-10 815140
VT-11 815165 (?)
VT-13 815176 (?)
VT-17 817023
VT-18 817041
VT-19 715850
VT-23 817062
VT-25 817070
VT-28 817090

Any additions/corrections are appreciated.

I think VT-26 - VT-29 were reassigned to the AH-Js (Feb-Apr 71).

Posted : 2008-06-22 02:24
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Here is a list of all the AH-1G's that 367 had. The first date is the date that the aircraft was taken on charge by 367.

715850 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815072 17-Dec-69 Written off 18 FEB 1970
815073 17-Dec-69 Written off 4 DEC 1970
815079 17-Dec-69 Written off 1 OCT 1970
815085 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815104 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815105 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815112 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815113 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815134 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815140 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815165 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815176 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815190 17-Dec-69 Written off 11MAR 1970
815194 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
815198 17-Dec-69 Written off 27 FEB 1970
815213 17-Dec-69 Written off 25 MAR 1970
817023 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817027 17-Dec-69 Written off 7 MAR 1970
817041 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817045 17-Dec-69 Written off 25 MAR 1970
817049 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817062 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817066 17-Dec-69 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817070 16-Jan-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817082 16-Jan-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817086 16-Jan-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817090 16-Jan-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817101 27-Feb-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817105 27-Feb-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971
817108 26-Jan-70 To H&MS 16 CRAA 23 JUL 1971

Posted : 2008-06-22 14:34
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Thanks Sid! Now I just need to start looking for the missing side numbers.

4 of these Gs (out of original 18) were still in HMA-169 when I checked in (Dec 75) and finally left around May-June 76.

Posted : 2008-06-23 01:51
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I believe VT-9 is listed incorrectly and should be 68-15190. That was the bird that Lt. Dennis Grace was killed in on 11 Mar 70. VT-16 was the bird Lts. Roger Lakin and Toby Gritz were flying in the midair collision on 25 Mar 70. Its Buno. should be 68-15213. I was the plane captain who launched both these birds (VT-9 and VT-16) out unfortunately.

I'm almost positive Lts. Frank Sacharanski and Mike Justus were in VT-21 which would make that bird 68-17045. Lt. Deane Swickard and I witnessed the midair collision that day.

Posted : 2008-06-23 15:23
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Thanks Jim. That helps a lot! I'll post an updated list later.

Posted : 2008-06-23 16:36
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I was in a Tech Rep class when I heard that sound. We all went running out, then down to the runway and witnessed this horrible site. I remember we were discussing the AFCS servos at the time and timing a MOOG valve. I remember the crash crews----damn---brave men-- pulling the men from the Cobras. I'll never forget!!!!!

Posted : 2008-06-23 21:22
Posts: 22
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The rest?

I remember reading that the USMC got 38 AH-1Gs and four or five of those were loaned back to the Army for training. I count 31 on the list Sid posted. That leaves 2 or 3 unaccounted for in my mind. Where were they? Did Pax River keep a couple?

Also curious what happened to the USMC Gs post Vietnam? I guess I could research this but anyone know off the top of their head? Did HMA-169 and 773 both get Gs at the same time? Did any other squadrons fly them? Did they later go back to the Army to get upgraded?

Posted : 2008-06-25 21:35
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Hi Randy,

Will do you a full history of all the G's soon as I can


Posted : 2008-06-26 09:45
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Also curious what happened to the USMC Gs post Vietnam? I guess I could research this but anyone know off the top of their head? Did HMA-169 and 773 both get Gs at the same time? Did any other squadrons fly them? Did they later go back to the Army to get upgraded?

169 and 773 were the only USMC squadrons to fly them after Vietnam. After 773 received AH-1Js they returned the Gs to the Army.

169 and 773 got their Gs about the same time. 169 had a total of 18. When I first got to the squadron as a TME in Sept 75, there were four on the deadline over by the NAMTRADET buildings. The side numbers were all in the 20s, but I've seen photos of "00" and "93". Other than the final checks prior to transferring them to 773, the only maintenance Avionics ever did was the 7-14 day battery checks and the 28 day battery change. I think we transferred the last one by the end of June 76.

According to the 169 Command Chronology (Sept-Dec 71) 169 published its first flight schedule on 29 October 71, but didn't receive their first Cobra until 13 December. At the end of December they a total of 4 aircraft. The Jan - Jun 72 CC says they had received "an additional thirteen (13) aircraft bringing the total to eighteen (18) AH-1G's." There's one missing from that total.
Here are the 169 Gs I can account for:

815112 13 Dec 71
815105 13 Dec 71
815113 17 Dec 71
815105 22 Dec 71
815134 11 Jan 72
815104 19 Jan 72
816066 04 Feb 72
815140 17 Feb 72
817108 05 Apr 72
817105 04 May 72
817062 10 May 72
817070 18 May 72
817023 22 May 72
815194 20 Jun 72
817049 20 Jun 72
817041 20 Jun 72
715850 27 Jun 72

Posted : 2008-06-26 11:51
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Lts. Ken Pennington and John Reed were KIA in VS-12 (68-15170) on 19 Sep 69 and Major Howard Henry and Lt. J. Alan Lofton were KIA in VS-? (68-15080) on 12 Nov 69 when VMO-2 had the AH-1Gs prior to turning them over to Scarface in December of 1969. I was a plane captain on VMO-2's flight line at that time but can't remember the side number of Maj. Henry's bird.

Posted : 2008-06-26 16:09
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A lot of the G's went into storage at Davis Monthan and 14 of them were transferred back to the Army whilst there. They later left in 1981 for rework at Amarillo, Texas before going back into service.

7 G's saw time at Pax River, with different units there. These were 815037, 815045, 815072, 815085, 815194, 817049 and 817062.

4 were loaned to the Army between July 1969 and March 1971, these were 815038, 815039, 815045 and 815046.

The last G, 817049, was struck off BuAer charge at Pax River with the NATC Test Pilot School on 18th of Jan 1982.

If anybody would like a copy of my Excel spreadsheet on the AH-1G in service, please feel free to e-mail me at SIDSIKO@aol.com

Posted : 2008-06-26 16:28
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Jim Wilkening;21854 wrote: Lts. Ken Pennington and John Reed were KIA in VS-12 (68-15170) on 19 Sep 69 and Major Howard Henry and Lt. J. Alan Lofton were KIA in VS-? (68-15080) on 12 Nov 69 when VMO-2 had the AH-1Gs prior to turning them over to Scarface in December of 1969. I was a plane captain on VMO-2's flight line at that time but can't remember the side number of Maj. Henry's bird.

According to the After Action Report for the 12 Nov loss, Maj Henry and Lt Lofton were flying VS-3.

Posted : 2008-07-16 18:09