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Call signs

36 Posts
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According to the monthly 1st MAW Command Chronologies for March-July 1968, the assigned call sign was "Reenlist". It remained the "official" call sign at least through Feb 1969. When did "Scarface" return, or was it used all along?

On the list of tailcodes/call signs (I didn't come up with the call signs) "Dixie Cup" and "Eagle Claw" are shown for 367. When were these used?

Posted : 2007-09-20 12:10
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Scarface was the only call sign we used in late 1967 and all of 1968.

Posted : 2007-09-25 10:42
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Thanks for clearing this up. Scarface is the only call sign used in the various Command Chronologies or After Action Reports.

Posted : 2007-10-02 11:44
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Call Signs

hma1369;20509 wrote: According to the monthly 1st MAW Command Chronologies for March-July 1968, the assigned call sign was "Reenlist". It remained the "official" call sign at least through Feb 1969. When did "Scarface" return, or was it used all along?

On the list of tailcodes/call signs (I didn't come up with the call signs) "Dixie Cup" and "Eagle Claw" are shown for 367. When were these used?

Eagle Claw was also used when we were assigned to SOG missions in 68/69

Posted : 2008-01-16 11:47
Posts: 5
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I remember when they tried to change the call sign. All the pilots got together and refused to use "reenlist". They tried to get us to use other words, but we were always Scarface. At least wjile I was there from11/67 to 7/69.

Posted : 2008-06-05 14:07
Joe Burney
Posts: 7
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I was in VMO-3/HML-367 in 67/68. When I got there in Aug 67 the callsign was Oakgate. It soon was changed to Scarface and about the time HML was formed they switched it to Reenlist. I believe this was to confuse Charley !! All squadrons were subject to this commsecurity move; however as I recall, the switch had us going to "Renlist", VMO-6 was "Cadaver", VMO-1 was "Hostage" etc. Anyway those were so ridiculous no one used them and we stayed "Scarface" Can you imagine Cadaver Medevac chase checking in? These may have the sqds confused but I remember the dumb callsigns!

Posted : 2008-06-08 20:45
Posts: 3132
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Call signs

I always wondered about a few of these myself..Some were particilarly "unusual", in my mind:

Cattlecall- HMM-161
Spartan Luck- HMM-165
Frosty Gold- HMM-262
Comprise- VMO-1 (?)

Never really thought about it before arriving RVN, but all the war movies we saw up to that time had aricraft as "Red Leader" or "Eagle" or similar fear inspiriing callsigns. Cadaver, Reenlist and the others don't really sound that awe inspiring, but we got used to them.:cool:

Posted : 2008-06-09 07:49
Ray Norton
Posts: 322
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Call Signs

It must have taken a staff of sixty or more at headquarters to think these things up!


Raymond J. Norton

1513 Bordeaux Place

Norfolk, VA 23509-1313

(757) 623-1644

Posted : 2008-06-09 14:27
Posts: 23
Eminent Member

just call me

"fighting mad 1 - 4 actual"

now that is a real call sign, courtesy of 3/3/3

sure beats the hell out of "clip clop" = hmm-362

semper fi

Posted : 2008-06-09 17:18
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
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Comprise was HML-167, and Hostage was VMO-2

Posted : 2008-06-09 18:17
Posts: 22
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Klondike, call signs

VMO-6, Ky Ha, we were Klondike. It seems we changed to something else, for a short while, then Cadaver...now, that was weird.....Cadaver to the Coffin...was generally the call to the Tower.
I remember working with the guys on the ground, we would check in with our Cadaver..some had a real problem with that. But, I remember once, a very reluctant sounding radioman was looking for some gun support...we finally broke protocol and told him....formerly Klondike.....his tone immediately changed. We had to rebuild our reputation from scratch.:eek: It never did make much sense to me, but I am sure it fooled some gook out there someplace, who really didn't care.....

S/Sgt Rick Ault

VMO-6 '66-'68

HML-367 '69-'70

Posted : 2010-01-28 17:48
Mark Byrd
Posts: 9
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Eagle Claw

The call sign Eagle Claw was used on our SOG mission in 1969 in fall and winter month of 1969 and probably for a long time prior to that time. Scarface regularly provided 2 UH1E gunships per day for mission 72. We usually launched before dawn from Phu Bai as a Scarface flight and landed at the SF launch site MLT-2 in Quang Tri, as an Eagle Claw flight.

The call signs for the other aircraft in the package on the SOG missions from there were: Dragon flies, Knats and Kingbees and the FAC ac were Covey and Nail.

Army AH1G Cobras from the 77th Aerial Rocket Artillery of the 101st ABN Div were call sign Dragon fly, but it was usually shortened to Fly. The Knats, H model UH1's from the 101's (BlackWidows I think) were simply Knats, the the Kingbees, H34's from the Vietnamese 217th (?) squadron were Kingbees. Eagle Claw was usually shortened to Claw lead.

The missions were flown for SOG's operation Prairie Fire. If things turned to shit and it became an emergency - a recon team in trouble or a bird down across the wire we could declare a Prairie Fire Emergency, usually shortened to a PF, and the word was that we could get any air support we needed including the Goodyear blimp.

Scarface's role on these missions was to control all helicopter assets on the operation and provide provide gun and rocket support as well, backed up by the Army Cobras which could carry so much more ordnance.

Mark Austin Byrd - SCULPTOR

13309 Peyton Drive

Dallas, TX 75240



Posted : 2010-12-14 00:21
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When I arrived on scene '69, we were 'Highboy', then went to 'Clan', then another one, and another before they left in Oct'69, I believe. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-12-14 08:27
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Rick;25547 wrote: VMO-6, Ky Ha, we were Klondike.

I found a document online that had VMO-6 using "Klondike" in Korea in 1950.

Posted : 2010-12-15 21:58
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It was still in use in '69, as I remember it. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-12-16 03:56
Posts: 420
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in 165 we were LADY ACE. a lot of the time they used tail letter phonitic code ,YP yankee PAPA etc or something for just one mission what a Clstr fk !:D

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2010-12-16 04:38
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Clstr fks

Lurch, there were a bunch of those for sure. I believe after my splatter, ours went briefly to 'injure'. Then something else at the last month. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-12-16 04:49
Posts: 420
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Injure ?

πŸ˜€ damn ! ACE thats all F ed up that they would use that call sign , but you know the dark sense of humor we developed IS one of our trade marks in the CORPS .I heard they were using CHOPPER after Mine :p sf kc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2010-12-16 05:00
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I believe its so Lurch. Someone in command had a good laugh I believe. We went over as 'Bonnie Sue', I was there when we were 'Highboy', and when we were on the Iwo-Jima, we were 'Clan',and then the 'injure', in August , and a bit of Sept., then had several more after I left the scene. Every place I went to stabilize so I could get on to Memphis, 'I still had no chance to survive'. I say this, Not one of them ever won the death kitty, because of me. Several were big ones too. I've spited them for 41 years now, and hope for at least 20-25 more. That is up to our Jesus though. I would spite them, and use 'CHOPPER'. Its better than some, I tell you. Stay Warm again. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-12-16 05:32
Posts: 420
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Plane names ?

we had some good ones in 165,night train express ,war angel,double nuts (this one made it into stars and stripes because CMC and his Lady were unfortunatly photographed departing the crew door and the name was on the armor plate πŸ˜€ ) mine was SEAGULL from the BAD COMPANY song in 1973.after my " whirring blender " ordeal I named all my planes seagull cause of the words in the song really fit ! we had acouple of sgts on the flight line that paint detailed cars so they did the lettering and art work a short white sgt and a tall black sgt we called em salt and pepper so I don't remember their real names but they were both the salt of the earth as far as I'm concerned.sf kc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2010-12-16 07:02
Posts: 420
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sky pirates !

after Big JIM MCGINN let us grow handlebar mustaches if we shaved our heads I heard a Marine Gen @the singapore air show tell him our call sign should be SKY PIRATE .I loved it ! πŸ˜€

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2010-12-16 07:10
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Plane names

Lurch, there were some good ones there for sure. I liked #13 in ours,265 , 'The Goblin'. It fit it for sure. Definately a good Bird. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-12-16 07:19
Posts: 4598
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plane names

Call sign: Chatterbox
Plane name: Tree Trimmer

Attached files

Posted : 2010-12-16 19:08
Posts: 1387
Noble Member


Back in the "Old Corps" (LOL) ., we were not permitted to tag our birds.
On the side of my 'old corps' flight helmet.,I had stenciled.,"NO DEPOSIT..NO RETURN". All black with a set of 'racing' stripes up thru the middle.
Perhaps,a tag such as this.,might have been very advantageous with rookie pilots. The helmet spooked them a bit.
Just a thought,




Posted : 2010-12-16 19:49
Posts: 420
Reputable Member

tree trimmer ! ILOL

thats outstanding Dale ! some pilots i knew could have been called that πŸ˜€

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2010-12-16 20:12
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