Just returned from laying the ground work for a reunion in Branson, MO the 7-11 Nov. 2003. Everyone is welcome to join us. Will have all the details set after first of the year. This reunion will feature a Marine Corps Ball, a chance to be in the Veterans Day Parade on the 11th, some good shows, and a chance to hang out with over a quarter of a million vets. This past weekend got to meet Walter A. Bowsher, Jr. 84 year old defender of Wake Island, and a lot of other vets from all services, and wars.
Glad to hear another reunion in Branson is underway! We'll never forget the reunion last year. I'm sure this one will be even better.
Squadron newsletter will be mailed on Jan. 2, 2003, and packets will be out around mid Jan. 2003 to all squadron members I have a current address on. If you need additional information, or fail to get information packets contact: Pam Brown at pamb@inter-linc.net or send me an e-mail MarinePatches@aol.com Anyone that would like to join us is more than welcome. So if it has been a long time since you attended a Marine Corps Birthday Ball, or got to march in a Veterans Day Parade here is your chance.
The registation forms for this event had a deadline of August 7th, 2003, but I ask Pam Brown, and she told me that as long as she has your registration in by mid-October you can be included. Remember you don't have to sign up for the full four days. Pam will work with you if you can only make it for a couple of days. Janet, and I will be in Branson late on the 6th of November, and the first $300.00 of cold beer is on me. Semper Fi, Allyn