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HMH-462 Reunion 2004

4 Posts
4 Users
Posts: 40
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As the designated coordinator for HMH-462 for the 2004 reunion, I need to hear from all former HMH-462 members who plan to attend.
If we have no more than what made the 2002 reunion in Pensacola, then I am going to recommend that we do a joint Hooch with the guys from HMH-463.
I am sure that would be more economically and logistically feasible.
I was a member of the advanced party when the squadron deployed from LTA in 1968. We had a great squadron and achieved some outstanding records.
I must admit that I am a bit miffed by the lack of cooperation, information, assistance, and just basic fellowship that I tried to educe after the Pensacola trip in 2002.
If this doesn't stir enough of you to respond, I believe I will abdicate the throne of coordinator and concentrate on my Force Recon reunion activities.

Semper Fidelis - Duke Dearing

"Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way" - Semper Fi - Duke

Posted : 2003-10-01 00:59
John Hodge
Posts: 17
Active Member


I just got all my login information. Tonight is the first time I've actually logged into the NOTAM board.

In 2000, San Diego, I was disappointed at the 462 turn-out too, but since that was my first-ever reunion, I thought it was maybe a fluke. The guys from 463 welcomed me as one of their own, but after all those years, I was hoping to see some familiar faces.

I will be attending Reno in 2004, and I'm bringing my hootch mate. This will be her first trip. I hope it's fun and worth it. I've been building it up to her since 2000. When I saw the post tonight that you won't be our coordinator, my heart sunk. I know the post says "due to business" reasons, and I've been there so I understand, but I sincerely hope you'll still be showing up in Reno?

I have no idea of what to do as a coordinator, but I'll be happy to HELP you, if I can to make this a better showing for 462. Duke, remember ... WE adapt and overcome ... hang in there brother. If you want I can give you the name and email of some guys that commited to me a few months back, that they'd be in Reno. I don't remember if they're all 462 folks or not, but I think some of them were.

I look forward to seeing you, and other brothers in Reno.

Semper Fi

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Semper Fi


Now is the time to stand fast in our faith and on our principles. . .

John [Hodge] Nicholson

Posted : 2004-02-11 22:11
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

HMH 462 Reunion 2004

Where and when? Will it be in conjunction with the overall reunion or separate? I'm not committing, but need to start thinking about it if it is gonna be different than the overall reunion.

During my year in Kuwait, I had the distinct pleasant of assisting the newest and latest HMH 462 get ready to go north and later on, get ready to go home. Brought back some old memories especially to the hairs on back of my neck.


Posted : 2004-02-12 06:05
Posts: 0
New Member

I will be there & D. D. Larsen is sceduled to be there. I dont know if Larsons Vietnam Sqd was 462 in Vietnam but he was in it at Okinawa in the 70 ies. Hope others get on board. SF PM

Posted : 2004-05-06 21:09