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Does anyone remember Robert (Bob) Ryan - pilot- in Phu Bai around 1968?

8 Posts
6 Users
Bob's Sister
Posts: 2
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I'm trying to gather information regarding my brother, Lieutenant Robert K. Ryan (Bob Ryan) who was a pilot with HMH 462 in Vietnam during the late 1960's. Unfortunately, Bob was killed in a helicopter crash in 1970 at MCAS El Toro in California. I was only 6 at the time, so don't know much about my brother's tour of duty, and as our dad died some time ago, have no where else to gather information about Bob to pass onto my daughter, his niece.

If anyone out there knew my brother, or has any stories or other information about his time in Vietnam, I would be eternally grateful for all information. I have a bundle of photos he took at the time, but not much information to be able to put with them.
Thank you for any help you are able to provide.

Posted : 2006-01-22 12:34
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

1stLt Bob Ryan

My name is Duke Dearing and I was a GySgt and the Intelligence Chief of HMH-462 from April 1968 until May 1969. In May 1969 I was commissioned as a 2ndLt and actually moved into the hootch that your brother and several other LT's from the squadron occupied. I do remember your brother fairly well. He was an accomplished pilot and an all around good guy. If you would like to e-mail me for any further info please feel free to do so.


Duke Dearing


"Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of The Way" - Semper Fi - Duke

Posted : 2006-02-03 21:07
David E. Taylor
Posts: 1
New Member

Remembering Bob Ryan

I was a squadron pilot and was with Bob from California in 1968 through his tour in VietNam. I probably have some photos of him and can tell a few stories as well and tell you of his good character. We were also hootchmates. I am also in touch with two others Joe Versaggi, Carmen Fimiani and know the whereabouts of our squadron commander, Col. Ron Nelson. Please contact me if you want, David E. Taylor staylor431@aol.com

Posted : 2006-02-08 12:15
Sam Decker
Posts: 6
Active Member

Knew your brother

Crewed for the Lt. in Santa Ana before we went to RVN, in RVN & in Santa Ana after we returned to CONUS. Was a great guy, well liked and well respected by everyone. Officers and enlisted alike. Was at Toro Peak the day after and it was one of the sadist days of my life. Your brother was a top notch flyer and a better human being. I'm a better person for having kown him. I'll always remember him and my other comrades that paid the full

Sam Decker
Crew Chief YF-5

Posted : 2006-11-10 17:04
Posts: 11
Active Member

Flew with Bob Ryan

My name is Bob Dagley. As a gunner I flew with Lt. Ryan on a couple of missions. He was a very respected officer. I was very confident to fly with him because of his ability as a pilot. I did not know him well but his reputation as an officer and a man was very admirable.

Bob Dagley

Posted : 2008-01-21 15:15
Bob's Sister
Posts: 2
New Member
Topic starter

Thank You for the information on Bob Ryan!

πŸ™‚Thank you to the people who replied to my post. Also thank you to the people I emailed.

Unfortunately, I've not been in touch since summer 2006, as I was busy relocating my family back from the UK to the USA, and subsequently getting settled into new jobs and a completely new lifestyle. I now have some free time on my hands to be able to catch up with everyone!

If Mr. Taylor or Mr. Decker read this, could they please get back in touch with me? I appreciated your emails so much, especially the information about Bob. Unfortunately, due to computer hiccups with the move, we've since lost all old emails we had saved. And, stupid me, I hadn't printed them out! I can be reached on florida.davys@hotmail.com.

Thank you again! If anyone else out there knew my brother, or has a photo of him they wouldn't mind sharing, I would greatly appreciate it.

Trish Davy

Posted : 2008-04-02 17:35
Brian Taber
Posts: 5
Active Member

Response from HMH-462 Squadronmate


My name is Brian Taber and I was a squadronmate of your brother Bob Ryan during our tour in Phu Bai, South Viet Nam 1968-69. I remember Bob well, as would any other pilot in our close-knit squadron. We occasionally flew missions together and, of course, would hoist a few at the O-club afterwards. I remember he was an excellent pilot, had a great sense of humor, laughed a lot and accepted the good-natured teasing about his attempts to grow a moustache. Years later, I was very disturbed to learn of his untimely death.

Another pilot in our squadron by the name of Roy Stauth wrote his personal memoirs about our tour in Viet Nam that details everything we experienced during that 13-month period. I have his permission to make these memoirs available to all former squadron members or their families. It consists of 30 chapters, about 150 pages.

If you would like to have a copy on CD in WORD format for your computer, just e-mail me your mailing address and I'd be happy to send to you.


Brian Taber
Former Captain, USMC

Posted : 2008-10-02 01:06
Brian Taber
Posts: 5
Active Member

HMH-462 Website

To Bob Ryan's sister and all former HMH-462 squadron mates who were in Phu Bai 1968-69, I have establsihed a new website at www.hmh462phubai.com. It consists of the entire yearbook produced while we were in country, along with the memoirs of Lt. Roy Stauth, who captured the essence of our tour in 30 informative and entertaining chapters.

I would be interested in hearing from any former squadron member interested in a reunion. You can e-mail me from the new website.

Posted : 2008-11-01 20:31