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Will try this again...
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Will try this again..I am looking for Rick Anderton and Crispy Critter....

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 0
New Member

These are 2 of the names that i know who were friends of my mother. She posted under the name Martian. I know that there were other friends that she made here. I need to contact these friends as my mother is no longer able to. I have some Very important information for them. It is imperative that i find out how to contact these people. Martian is the name my mother posted under...it is not her that i need to contact, it is the friends she had made here on the boards that i need to contact...Please e-mail me at PebblyPooh@msn.com... Thank You Missa (Marcia's daughter)

Posted : 2003-09-02 09:11
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

PM or Private Message

Hi Missa,

I sent you a private message. Let me know if you got it and if it helped.

Posted : 2003-09-02 13:09