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Who is a member of POP A SMOKE?

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 896
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Due to some misunderstandings as to where you find the POP A SMOKE members listed, some posters are confused as to who is a member of POP A SMOKE.

I believe this has caused a misunderstanding in that a 29 year old Vietnamese AMERASIAN (American serviceman father and Vietnamese mother) living and working at a Catholic Orphanage in Hanoi, North Vietnam has been mistakenly referred to as being an “NVA”’ and a POP A SMOKE member. Neither are true, as it was reported to me, this Young man was born in SVN and is a Vietnamese Catholic, English speaking & reading AMERASIAN seeking to discover what his father was involved in during the Vietnam war.

Many other non service members and members of other services are registered members of the NOTAM Board; they are not POP A SMOKE members.

Clicking on the members icon, fourth from the left in the NOTAM upper right corner does “NOT’ give you a list of POP A SMOKE members. That list is just a list of personal authorized to post on the NOTAM board, no fees are collected and no other privileges are granted.

To find the correct list of POP A SMOKE members you must use the members Database icon, sixth from the top on the main POP A SMOKE page at


I hope this assists in clarifying some misunderstandings as I have had this question come up a lot in the last week.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-06-27 11:30
Posts: 0
New Member

Good to know and good to go, Curt.

Posted : 2004-06-27 12:28