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Who can help my Dad...
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Who can help my Dad, Korea Marine?

2 Posts
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If anyone can answer Trisha's question about who her dad (Korea Vet) can talk to, get back to her please.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tlang009
Date: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:09

Hello Wally

Hope you and your family are well.


Also, while I'm here...know that this is probably a "reach" but my Mom died last month...quite unexpectedly.. a terrible shock and loss for us all, especially Dad, who is making plans...wants the new shoes, the shiny ones..."even though you won't be able to see them", he told me.

He is distraught with the loss of his wife and while I really don't believe he is planning on "doing anything" is does, it seem want to have some things in place.

He has long suffered the effects of PTSD...but finds solace in telling his "stories" of his time in the Marine Corps. Not all of them are tragic...many are very interesting.

He tells me he is reluctant/opposed to joining a group of veterans to talk about his experiences...says he carries enough bad memories of his own to bear to hear and carry another's.

Here is the "reach" part...Do you know of anyone who may be willing to hear of his experiences on the front lines of Korea a US Marine...someone who may even be able to record them???

Any advice, suggestions/info in regards to this is also appreciated.

Hope you are enjoying the same fine weather we are having here. Day five of the bluest, cloud free skies...can't remember a nicer stretch of summer weather!


Trisha Langill

Posted : 2010-08-30 20:57
Posts: 4598
Active Members

Just to let you know Wally. I gave her my thoughts, for what it's worth.

Posted : 2010-08-31 20:37