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White Shelby Mustang, HMM-264: yours?

5 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: mygt350@aol.com
Date: Aug 25, 2007 11:56 PM
Subject: HMM-264
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

I am doing research into HMM-264 during the 1965-1967 time period. I purchased a 1965 white Shelby GT350 Mustang in Denison Texas in 1967 and have had the car ever since. The car has an insignia on the rear window from HMM-264 and I have always wanted to find out the name of the original owner if at all possible. The car was purchased in Birmingham Alabama and driven to Denison Texas. I believe the individual left the car with his mother and later told her to trade it in while he was on tour. Is there anyone you can get me in contact with that might remember having seen or heard of the young Marine with the white mustang? It would mean quite a bit to me.

Thank you

Martin Toland

Posted : 2007-08-26 09:06
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

HMM-264 was one of the few helicopter squadrons that did not go to Vietnam. It was based at MCAS New River, NC. My guess is that car belonged to a Marine at New River who got orders to 'nam, and passed the car to his family to take care of.

Posted : 2007-08-26 11:01
Posts: 2
New Member


Any idea how I might contact to possibly find out who the original owner was?

Martin Toland

Posted : 2008-01-01 21:08
Posts: 1387
Noble Member

White Mustang

You might also try posting a message on Military.com's website.This site
doesn't appear to be terribly active but HMM-264 does have a page there
with a couple hundred or so members.Perhaps you'll get a hit.LOL




Posted : 2008-01-02 08:30
Posts: 0
New Member

Try contacting the Shelby American Auto Club. They keep a registry of Shelby Mustangs and Cobras. Or th Mustang Club of America. They might be able to research the history of the car. You didn't mention the state the car was licenced in, so try contacting the Alabama or Texas DMV office and see if they will do a search of the VIN on the car. It may take a trip to the archives, but the data may be there. Also, if the car was registered in NC since HMM-264 was at New River, contact a NC DMV office, tell them your situation, provide them with a copy of a NC title or registration car, and see if they can pull the info up out of the archives in Raleigh. I know from working with antique cars that title and registration information gets archived after 5-10 years of inactivity and its not always readily available. Any additional paperwork such as the title or annual registration card might help at the state DMV. Good Luck!
Semper Fi,
BJ Sigman

Posted : 2008-01-06 20:21