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Where's Helen a...
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Where's Helen and What's She Doing?

2 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 0
New Member

It's been over 30 years since I've heard an episode. You know, the AFVN daytime radio exploits of Helen Trump. Or was it Trumph? Anyway, the show always began with "Around the corner and up your street" with the emphasis on "Up Your". Has she married all the other cast members 3 times, come back from the dead or been possessed by the devil. Just curious.

Wayne Stafford

Posted : 2003-09-13 14:19
Darrell Asplund
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

πŸ˜€ It was Helen Trump. Check "Google", there's about 3 or 4
pages of referances... I vaguely, and I mean VAGUELY remember
some of those episodes myself.

Semper Fi

Semper Fi

I'd rather fly than walk!

Darrell Asplund

Posted : 2003-09-13 17:22