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when CH-46s dropped ice cream ?

2 Posts
2 Users
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "McDonald CIV JoAnna M"
To: , ,
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 13:15:36 -0700
Subject: Operation Cool It under Operation Super Gaggle, 1968


I am the education specialist at MCRD Command Museum in San Diego. As part of my tasks I write articles for the Depot's newspaper. I am currently writing one concerning Operation Cool It -- when CH-46s dropped ice cream to the Marines on Hills 861, 881 North and South.

Do you know anyone who was involved in this operation? What month was it? And, did Lt Col Richard Carey (retired Gen. USMC) fly one of the CH-46, or did he help obtain the dry ice and ice cream at command level?

Thank You for your assistance!

JoAnna M. McDonald
Education Specialist
MCRD Command Museum

Posted : 2006-04-15 12:15
Posts: 2
New Member

Ice cream drop

I know Fox 2/1/1 on Hill 471 had a cargo net of rocky road ice cream dixi cups lowered to us, it was in June of 1968. These men had not had hot chow, milk or beer in months. We dug into the ice cream like crazy men wondering if it was a mistake. That afternoon the Company looked like beached walruses sunning on the hill top with a happy grin on their faces.

Posted : 2008-03-14 01:25