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VMGR 152 in 1969
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VMGR 152 in 1969

9 Posts
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Joe Greene III
Posts: 2
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I'm trying to help my father who was a Payroll Officer in VMGR 152 in 1969. The VA claims they cannot find any record of him being in Vietnam. My father was Second Lieutenant Joe Greene. If anyone has a suggestion on how we could locate records or anyone had him as their pay officer, please contact us.

Posted : 2009-03-18 18:25
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
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Does his DD-214 show a VIETNAM SERVICE MEDAL? VMGR-152 was based at Fetuma, Okinawa and flew in and out of Vietnam, so anyone that crewed squadron aircraft should have been awarded the medal. Being awarded a VIETNAM SERVICE MEDAL is all the proof anyone needs to be considered a Vietnam Veteran

Posted : 2009-03-18 20:23
Joe Greene III
Posts: 2
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I'll have him check that ASAP.

Posted : 2009-03-18 23:02
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Mike Jackson 6242 out of Sammamish, WA might know him but he needs a picture to jog his memory.

Send it to wstafford6242@yahoo.com


Posted : 2009-03-21 15:57
Posts: 5
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2lt Joe Greene

I went to boot camp and MCRD San Diego with Joe Greene in July of 1967 after we graduated high school at Granville Ohio. I went to Navy Memphis for aviation maintenance training and Joe went on to Officers School. I saw him again a couple years later (1969) at VMGR-152 in Okinawa and I believe he was working squadron supply and perhaps payroll?, it has been a long time. If I remember correctly he was not on a flight crew, he was a ground officer. Sorry I cannot verify if he was ever in Vietnam, and do not recall him mentioning it to me. I believe he was discharged shortly after our meeting in 1969. If you would like to contact me it would be OK. Say Hi for me when you see him, and I whish him well.

Bob Parham
3574 Manila Dr.
Westerville, OH 43081

(614) 890-0829

Bob Parham

Posted : 2009-04-06 19:27
L R Gilton
Posts: 18
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Proof of RVN service

In my case the VA needed help proving I was actually on the ground in Viet Nam. The Texas Tech University "Virtual Vietnam Archive" had all the after action reports and command diarys for the squadrons I served in. I checked for VMGR 152 and it does show some action at Khe Sanh in 1968. Give it a look, I would post a link but don't know how. S/F

Posted : 2009-04-07 15:09
Posts: 75
Trusted Member

VMGR-152 in Vietnam

VMGR-152 was in Vietnam in 1966 thru I believe about 1971. I flew with them many times out of their sub-unit on the west side of Danang Air Base. They shared the pad with H&MS-1, MWSG-17. Usually had 3 or 4 KC-130F's on the ramp. Main unit was in Okinawa, and the payroll/finance folks were either assigned to 1st Maw rear or Forward. If in Vietnam he would have been located with the H&HS-1 crew at the Old French Barracks near Mag-11. Hope this helps.

Posted : 2009-06-04 22:28
Posts: 4415
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Robert Doktor

Spook this is a reply from a friend of mine on your post. Red Dok was an E-9 with VMGR-152.

Tim, I am honest when I say that I cannot remember him. The paymaster was based at Futenma and do not recall those on detachment received their pay. The only "Spook" I knew was Spook Martin who was a crew chief on R4Q's, R4 and 5 D's and at that time frame may have been busted back from E7 to E5 for being drunk and disorderly which had been about the 3rd time for him. I was NCOIC of the sub-unit in Jan 67. I flew a few hops then but had my hands full keeping things in motion other times. As for 66 and most of 67 I was flying and if he was on board the A/C I do not know as I do not know what he did. I know we were all by ourselves down at the end of Danang adjecent to the Marine terminal where we had living and dead bodies we moved around and the cargo. We had 4 KC130's in country all the time and it was seldom unless late at night that you would see all 4 at the same time. Then there were times at night we would be called from our slop chute to make a run for the Air Farce as the weather conditons were not perfect. There was investigaion going as the Air Farce command Pacific wanted to know why the 4 Marine aircraft flew more hours in total and carried more passengers and cargo to that of the whole Air Farce in the Pacific. French barracks??? There had been a whole bunch Tongs (? Sp) (Chinese mercinaries) that were paid for how manyears they brought back, they are the ones that wore those blank pajamas. They moved them elsewhere and it took about a week to fumigate their hutch's and that is where we lived. Ask him what he did and also tell him that there is a reunion in Sept. down in Fredericksburg and that there is a group of about 400 or so members of those who had been in Transports reguardless of MOS and he can find out more by going to www.mcata.com there are many from his era that belong a few names are Landorfi, Lukondi, Wasalowsky and "Luke" Dunlap especially that he might know. for passing this on.

Writing that posting to Tim and mentioned Spook Martin my friend this is sort of what he was like. 1st he loved his booze as well as his wife who he married in Austrailia. #2 Spook was brought in on a emergency to the hospital at Cherry Point for a appendix that had burst.

I was a patient in the hospital when I had a large cyst removed from my spine and he was about 3 or 4 beds down from me. His wife came in twice a day as they lived onboard the base and they could not figure out why Spook always seemed to have a "buzz". After the 3 day they kept tabs on him and turned out is wife was bring in Vodka. They restricted her from visits unless a nurse was with her and his problem cleared with the anti-biotics they fed him.

Another example was he was in Iwakuni, Japan in the later part of the 50's or early 60's and was crew chief on a R5D. He was shopping at the exchange when the Chief of Staff approache him who's name was "Iron Mike" Olerich and I served under him when Gen then Major was returned CONUS in July 45. Olerlich was a Major just out of flight school a few months and had been a grunt. I then again served under him when he relieved Major Marion Carl and still was phucked up.

Back to the story, Iron Mike was looking for a gift for his daughter's birthday that had everything. Spook answered without hesitation that's easy Col. just get her some penicillin. At that the Col. face got red as a beet and then told him he was grounded for a month and placed him out on the wash rack cleaning dirty planes and back then they still had a multitude of piston pounders which amost 85% of the time had that oil covered black exhaust alongside of the airframe and could keep you busy for hours at times for some airplanes.

Posted : 2009-06-05 13:28
Posts: 75
Trusted Member

VMGR-152 in 1969

Thanks Timothy for the message. I worked out of H&MS-17, was assigned as
a "special courier" by Chief of Staff G-2. My job when not a courier wasloading and unloadingand escorting High Risk Cargo. In 1967 thru mid 68 I flew many flights back and forth between Oki, Japan, and El Toro. Always on a GV-1 KC-130F. My favorite a/c QD 813 which was lost at Keh Sahn. I remember that I believe there were a couple of senior Enlisted Pilot's flying out of Danang. If my memory servesme right; At least one was either celebrating a promotionor the fact he was going home, some how he fell off the line shack roof. My handle of spookcame about after I left RVN. I went in country in Mar 67. My father was an enlisted retread and had been called back to duty. He was Maint Chief/1Sgt of Mt Maint Co, FLC at Danang. We ended up flying home together in 1968. I was a Corporal when workingthe Danang area. Made Sgt, was sent to Memphis to Instruct. However I wanted to go back overseas. While on leave I met our new neighbor in Oregon. Turned out new neighbor was General Marion Carl. I was asked where I was being sent and I todhim I wanted to go back toWestPac. 6 weeks later I was on Continental Airlines and in Okinawa. Meet many 1st MAW Marines here. I was promoted to Ssgt and made NCOIC of Marine Liaison at Kadena Air Base and Camp Hansen transient center. Igreatedmany of you as yu got on and off the big home bird. After that assignment I was promised an assignment to Mag 16 in country.

Anyway, thanks for the info on the meeting in Fredricksburg.

Semper Fi

Posted : 2009-06-05 18:44