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Update on Mike Clau...
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Update on Mike Clausen

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Several of us from the Marine Corps League Big D and Longhorn detachments visited Mike at the VA Hospital in Dallas. He is improving but is a borderline liver transplant candidate.

We visited with him for almost an hour and, as do most Marines, he shared several stories relating to his experiences in the Corps! He is in very good spirits and displayed a keen sense of humor.

The Big D Detachment (Big D) is making arrangements to have Mike moved into a large more comfortable room that they sponser there at the Dallas V.A. hospital. Mike will be in rehab there for several months.

All of us need to include Mike in our prayers.

Attached files

Posted : 2004-01-31 09:33
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

Update on mike clausen

This is really good to hear...after assuming the worse and not being in the net to learn more.

When first notified about Mike, tried to track him down and talk to him, but he was being moved around from facility to facility and the staff reps were pretty tight lipped, except for one gal that seemed to detect the frustration in my voice...she offered that he was in good hands and would eventually be OK. Thank Chesty for that news.

Tom Zuppke

Posted : 2004-02-08 10:26
Posts: 20
Eminent Member


Spoke with Mike Sunday afternoon. New direct number at VA hospital Big "D" is: 214.302.1974.

Mike was in great spirits and was being visited by several old Leathernecks. He informed me that the latest info from the doctors was that he does NOT require a liver transplant. His leg is improving and he will be retained there for another three weeks to three months for therapy.

Sorry for the delay getting this posted. Some 'puter glitch prevented me from getting onto the system for a couple days.

Semper Fi,

Arthur G. Friend
"Alfa Golf"

Posted : 2004-02-10 08:25
Posts: 896
Prominent Member

This is an update on Mike Clausen.

Hope all is well with you.

Mike was supposed to leave for Nashville to be tested for a new liver, Sunday.
As fate would have it, in his fragile physical condition, he broke his good leg.
8 weeks, minimum in a cast.
Liver tests, temp postponed.
Questionable on making Reunion.
He is at the North Oaks Hospital in Hammond, LA .
985-230-2200 Room 2229.
I talked with Mike, earlier in the week, and he was up for the trip.
I'll keep you posted on any changes.

Please let everyone at the Assn know.

Thanks, and...Semper Fi!


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-05-11 16:42
Posts: 0
New Member

Update on Mike, Tues. May 25, 2004

Update from Frenchy:

Bad news.

Last update, Mike had gone into the Hammond, LA Hospital for a broken leg.
Something went wrong, ( Louisiana Hospital ) and he bled internally.
Got him stable, out of ICU.

Then, back to ICU. He died, and was revived.
Lois called Ross Perot.
Ross sent a med team down on his private jet, conferred with the hosp. staff, and after seeing first hand what Mike's survival chances were, there, made the decision to fly Mike back to Dallas, where's Ross's staff can watch over him.

He leaves at 1700 CST 25 May 04.

No chance of making the Reunion in Reno, but with God's will, he can be sent the video.

Please pass the word.

God Bless, God Speed, and..Semper Fi!


Posted : 2004-05-26 18:29