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Tribute video
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Tribute video

1 Posts
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Dear members of Popasmoke

About 3 weeks back I started on a project to create a tribute video to the Huey. Not knowing what form it would take I started looking around the net for some inspiration when I found Popasmoke and the Dustoff assns. After reading some of the stories, and seeing some of the images, the video took a life of its own and I ended up with a not just a tribute to the Huey, but also to all the crews that put their lives in her hands to save others during the Vietnam war.
I was worried about doing a video based in a war that ended when I was 2 years old, and half a world away from in New Zealand, but some of the comments people have given me including other veterans has made me more comfortable about what I have achieved.

So this video is for you guys. God bless and keep well.

Kane Milne

Download => huey.zip (30 meg wmv file)
Should play in Windows media player.
Was created in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Posted : 2004-11-11 13:22