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To All Popasmoke Members

1 Posts
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Posts: 550
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HMM-363 is trying to put together a casual get together in '07 in Pensacola. It is looking for all HMM-363 Squadron members whether or not you have selected it as your primary squadron. There are two dates in mind the weekend of 10 August or the weekend of 15 September. It is strictly get yourself there on your own, however there will be some help in trying to find some places with reasonable rates, more information to follow. In the mean time all those that would be interested, could you please update your contact information, either on Popasmoke or send Name, Address, Phone Number and email address to either myself, Hank Amparan or Larry Powell. We already of several dozen very interested and have said "Hell yes".... no formal anything.


Posted : 2006-09-14 19:10