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Thread ratings (stars) gone?

9 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 19
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I noticed the ratings are gone-what's up?
Also, when visiting Visions, no images show up other than the ones on the main page-just the most recently posted images. Nothing shows up when using the squadron/aircraft/locations menu on the left side of the page. No error message, but the page is blank except the headers.

With Liberty and Justice for All. Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and Jane Fonda can all view this.

Posted : 2003-10-03 16:52
Posts: 0
New Member

Thanks for the info about the Visions page, I wasn't aware of it and I am looking into it ASAP.

As far as the ratings goes, they've been suspended due to mis-use.

Posted : 2003-10-03 17:19
Posts: 0
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Visions page fixed!

Posted : 2003-10-03 17:43
Posts: 19
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Topic starter

Thank you. Now about the ratings. How can they be considered as misused? I've seen an 'official' post here somewhere saying (paraphrased) "no one can tell another how to vote", in regard to the ratings, and we recently saw a thread deleted due to an integrity question about rating another website's top 10 list. Isn't the suspension of the rating system the ultimate in telling people how to vote? I don't get it. I've made what I considered good posts, that only got one star or less from 'X' # of unknown viewers. Didn't bother me-everyone is entitled to their own opinion. When that happens, it tells me perhaps I need to reconsider what I'm saying, or the way in which I'm saying it.

(I've always felt it would be tacky & improper for me to vote for my own thread, but that's me)

With Liberty and Justice for All. Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, and Jane Fonda can all view this.

Posted : 2003-10-03 20:37
Posts: 0
New Member

Somebody was intentionally rating all of George's posts with a low rating, regardless of content, just to play games.

Posted : 2003-10-03 21:21
Posts: 0
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Ratings POOFed!

I've seen an 'official' post here somewhere saying (paraphrased) "no one can tell another how to vote", in regard to the ratings

Don, the Thread you are referring to is https://www.popasmoke.com/notam2/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3247

While it has been locked since 1 June, the public and NOTAM Board members can still view the gratuitous post below. Over 1,000 have done so since then!

Camille's extradordinary poem, "The Hounds fo Hell"

is now in the Smithsonian.

OBTW, in addition to this perpetual reminder of my "grave" offense, I also received an official warning?


Registered: Aug 2001
Location: NORWOOD MA
Posts: 1262

deleted by the Moderator
Post by Larry Collins under "Hounds of Hell "

This post has been deleted because it is in violation of NOTAM Board policy as published on the Read & Initial Board.

All postings by Yellow Rose were deleted by the poster , Yellow Rose, not the moderator.

Semper Fidelis

George T. Curtis

Last edited by GEORGE CURTIS on 06-01-2003 at 11:26

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05-30-2003 11:49

Posted : 2003-10-03 21:37
Posts: 0
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Don & Larry,

I have to agree.

I have had several of my posts, including a couple in the Veteran's Benefit forum that were informational only, rated as 1 star.

I never complained even though I thought at the time it was someone's childish attempt to get under my skin.

Didn't work. Don't mean nothing man.

Evidently some of us are just more thin skinned than others


Edited by the Couth Officer on 4 Oct 2003


John Allison

Posted : 2003-10-03 23:26
Posts: 896
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I have posted over 1200 times and recieved more than 100 Worst votes, they never bothered me.

Two days ago a worst vote was placed on the Obit notice posted for our good friend Tom Hewes wife and I was disappointed that anyone could even think about rating OBITS in the negative.

Within a few hours a WORST vote was cast on a post that was a request from the son of one of our KIAs to find out information about his dad, this was sad.

These immature and childish votes were followed by 47 other worst votes , many attached to postings that like the OBITS and honest questions by family members did not rate worst votes.

As a Notam Board Moderator , I am fully aware that the vote is not used in any way to administer the board. As the serving Couth Officer , realizing that these improperly cast Worst votes were an embarrassment to the organization as I do not believe anyone can justify a worst vote on an OBIT or a question from a KIA family member, I decided that it was in the best interest of POP A SMOKE to suspend voting indefinitely.

Obviously there was a clear agenda here to cause embarrassment and publicly voice dissention to the BOD. This would be by individuals to sheepish to follow the Notam Board Policy and use the PM system to voice their opinions. They require a public audience to satisfy their childish egos.

I am sure the suspension of voting effects those that cast the immature childish votes the most as they have been denied the public viewing of their handiwork.

For the reasons stated above I notified the President and Webmaster , and we removed the voting.

This is not open to public debate. If you feel the urge to object , please follow the Notam Board Policy and use the PM forum.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-10-03 23:28
Posts: 896
Prominent Member

Wally has fixed the voting problem ( I hope) and the voting is now back on. I have deleted the most agreegress votes, all others are as they were cast.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-10-06 17:37