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There and back..and other related happenings...

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Posts: 24
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Attention Marines~~

I would say it is safe to say that most of you here (if you are familiar with my name, know that I am affiliated with the spiritual side of things...)

Well...~~part of my history is being a writer. I am currently working on an article on Near Death Experiences....(NDE's) My particular interest lies in the Military aspect of it.

There are some of some Ilk that seem to think that those who engage in war are destined to hell. Bhaaaaaa!!!!!! what bs!!

Anyways....I am looking for those here would be interested in sharing their personal experiences with me.

You are free to email me online and share if you care. If you want to remain Anon...that is fine. Just email me at Kabal739@aol.com
and tell me about your experience.

I cannot pay anything for the stories....Nor can I promise anything. If you want your name published....let me know and give me your name.

I am working on an article right now.....I am hoping to have this article complete within two months.

If you have had a NDE or a Great Spiritual Awakening...tell me about it. You can help spread the word and help awaken the rest of the World around us!!

Blessings to you all....Kabal

PS any profit from this will be shared to this website....~~;-) a percentage will go to this cause~~~

Semper Fidelis~~Kabal

Posted : 2003-09-28 02:09