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Sgt's Club attack 690420 at MMAF

3 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 5
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I am trying to find someone who can describe the medical facility that would have treated the Marble Mountain Marines wounded in the April 20, 1969 rocket and mortar attack on the Sergeant's Club. I have a list of the KIA and WIA that needed evacuation, but no list of the 14 Marines that were treated locally and returned to duty. A friend is trying to document the wounds he received in the attack, but his medical and personnel records are non-reflective. He was TAD from MAG-36. Any information or suggestions would be appreciated.

Posted : 2007-02-24 11:58
Posts: 12
Active Member


more than likely Charlie Med, was close by.

Posted : 2007-02-25 08:20
Gerry Haas
Posts: 6
Active Member

Sgt's Club attack 690420 at MMAF

I was at MMAF during this attack and I remember that immediately afterwards all the injured were initially treated at the MMAF medical facility. The more seriously wounded were medevaced and they probably went to the 95th Evac facilility. If I remember correctly the 95th Evac was down the road from MMAF. I may have the medical unit number incorrect remember this was almost 39 years ago.

Posted : 2007-02-26 15:31