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Reunion Info for Ugly Angels

2 Posts
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Events have arisen with respect to President Bob Skinder’s health, about which more will be explained in the June newsletter, that require a temporary change in the responsibilities assigned the UAMF Board of Directors.

From now until the reunion Vice President Ben Cascio, aided by BOD member Mark Stanton, will head the UAMF and our reunion efforts. At the same time, Tom Hewes is returning as temporary editor-publisher of the newsletter.

The fact that these changes have occurred so close to the reunion means that Tom has to play catch up in order to get the June edition of the newsletter out on time. In short, he needs your help in answering the following reunion related questions. Please e-mail your response, listing your answer by question number, to Tom at YL42@cox.net ASAP.

1. If you plan to attend the reunion but your name, or the names of your spouse or guest, does not appear in the May newsletter, please provide.

2. Are you driving or renting a car while in DC? (We need this info to determine if we need to charter a bus, at a nominal cost per member, on Friday to get folks to the NMMC & luncheon in Quantico.)

3. If you‘re driving, how many empty seats will you have?

4. Are you attending the luncheon at Quantico?

We also considering planning a Friday night dinner, assuming enough of those attending the reunion are interested.

5. If we have such a dinner, do you plan to attend?

6. Would you prefer the dinner be held in DC or Quantico?

Thank you for your prompt response.

Semper Fi,

The Management

p.s. If you missed the May newsletter, you can download it at http://www.hmm-362.us/05_08.pdf

Posted : 2008-06-04 08:30
Posts: 0
New Member

More Reunion Info for Ugly Angels


The June issue, like most of us, is nearly obsolete. The July issue will be posted at any day now.

We are still asking the same six questions, the ones most of you have yet to answer. For example, time is running out to order luncheon. If we don't receive your order and money by 1 August your SOL.

On the other hand, you may be able to attend the Friday evening Sunset Parade at 8th & I. See page 8 of the July issue for details.

A short August issue, containing any last minute info, will be published before the end of the month so stay tuned.

See you next month, and Semper Fi,


Posted : 2008-07-12 21:15