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Request from Survivor, Mike Clausen Mission.

1 Posts
1 Users
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New Member

Please contact this Brother Marine if you can help.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: West, Edward A.
Date: Mar 31, 2006 3:32 PM
Subject: RE: Welcome to NOTAM Board!
To: NOTAM Board Forums

Semper Fi !

Here's the deal, Maybe you can make this easy for me. Thirty six years
ago I was a radio operator (TACP) with Headquarters Company 1st Marine
Division on Hill 55 and had volunteered to go on a Kingfisher mission,
anything to get in the air, loved flying. If you go to Mike Clausen's
web site and look at the artist representation of Mike in the minefield
you will see a Radio man, That's me.

About a month ago I happened across your website and read about Mike
Clausen. I was amazed, here was the man that had carried me out of that
mine field. I thought, Damn I need to find this Marine and thank him. A
few more threads and I knew that would NEVER happen, Mike was gone. BUT,
Blood Sweat & Tears sill lived !

I did some more searching and found Col. Ledbetter. We met this past
Saturday in Charlotte N. C. at the N. C. Aviation Museum and were given
a tour of his Aircraft. They are doing a fine job restoring her ! A
labor of love for Corp and country.

All I know about the Marines with me in the minefield was that they were
with Alfa Company 3rd Platoon. Do you have anymore info.

I am haunted by the memory of that day and NEED to know I am not the
only remaining survivor from that day and would appreciate any help you
can give me.

I am Popping a Smoke !

Not as many as when the mine that hit me and set off, but a smoke none
the less.

Semper Fi
Corporal Edward A. West

AKA Delivery Boy 1_4

I am attaching a pic from this past weekend.

Attached files

Posted : 2006-03-31 22:35