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Recon Ladder
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Recon Ladder

1 Posts
1 Users
Dan Kellum
Posts: 7
Active Member
Topic starter

I'm trying to find out the dimensions and composition of the recon ladder that hung out the back ramp of the CH-46D in Vietnam. A recon officer, Mike Fallon, told me the 4-strand ladder was composed of wire with aluminum steps (unsure of total width) but came in 60-, 100- and 120-foot lengths in 1970. Not sure of the tensile strength? The recon Marine would snap link onto the wire so he wouldn't fall off. He seemed to recall it was very heavy and limited what the helicopter could haul. Did the wire on the ladder fray frequently or infrequently? Any help in defining this piece of equipment would be most appreciated. Semper Fi, Dan Kellum

Posted : 2004-11-06 21:50