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Re: Visions Image #972

1 Posts
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Re: Image 972: https://www.popasmoke.com/visions/image.php?source=972

On March 14, 2008 Murray Smith posted:

March, 2008, I just got back from a trip to V.N., specifically to Chu Lai. There is a modern terminal there now (where MAG-13 was). The MAG-12 runways are mostly covered with sand, low bush. The beach is a mess and the hill where the Americal div. was is now overgrown with lots of small V.N. homes spread throughout the area. You wouldn't recognize hwy. 1 now. Heavy traffic, thousands of small buildings, farms, etc. Really glad to see normal life again in such a ravaged area.
Sgt. M. Smith, U.S.M.C MAG-12, MABS-12 Dec. 66 to March 69 Semper Fi.

On March 24, 2008 Michel Nawrath posted: (but moved to the NOTAM)

Glad to hear an up-date from Murray Smith. Were you able to go on the old base? And did you go in a group, or just freelance your trip? And it is encouraging to hear that this section of the country is finally seeing some prosperity. I gather from some of the older posts I've read that this area hasd been a target for redevelopment, but plans had really stalled out. Did you see many other Americans visiting while you were in the Chu Lai Area?

Please keep comments that are specific as to who, what, where, when, etc and contribute to the historical valuable to the image. Questions and dialog belong on the NOTAM.

Posted : 2008-03-25 00:58