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Re: LCpl. Frank E. Cius, Jr Visions Image #1210

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 550
Honorable Member
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From an email:

For some reason when I see this photo, I see my brother-on-law LCpl. Frank E. Cius, Jr in far right back row with hat on, but the photo date of 1969 would prove otherwise as he was on the helicopter that crashed June 3, 1967 when the rest of his crew sadly passed on and Frank was captured as a POW for 7 years. Does anyone have any photos of Frank while he was in active duty? Is there anyone who knows Frank and can share stories with me about him? Thanks to all the Viet Nam heroes, my love to all of you!

Nancy Kasprzyk here2create@speakeasy.net

Posted : 2008-05-27 01:18