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Re: Image 4512
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Re: Image 4512

1 Posts
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From an email:


Image Title: Paul Fitzgerald
Image Number: 4512
Comment By: Jennifer Fitzgerald Bardash jennbar523@hotmail.com
Comment: This is an old picture of my father, "Doc Fitz". I would like to correct a previous statement though. His friend's name was Chip Breese, not Moler. And his ashes were actually spread by his widow, Patricia Fitzgerald, and his children, Colleen Fitzgerald, Jennifer Fitzgerald, and Michael Fitzgerald (at the time, aged 21, 17, and 14 respectively). He was a "lost soul" after coming home from Vietnam, but NEVER forgot his fallen brothers! If anyone reading this knew my father, please contact me! I would love to know more about him from "back then". Jennifer Fitzgerald Bardash

Posted : 2008-12-18 12:44