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Rating combat wings
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Rating combat wings

33 Posts
16 Users
george mckee
Posts: 58
Trusted Member


next time you have a couple of hours, google combat aircrew wings and read til your hearts content. two references state that a maximum of three stars may be worn on the device..........but.....a silver star may be exhanged for each set of three gold stars. so a person with nine gold stars could have three silver stars. or thats the way i read it. no mention of what happens to the guy with over 400 missions or rates more than 3 silver stars. whew. what say you?

Posted : 2010-07-09 20:58
Posts: 0
New Member


Hi George. I guess in that case I am susposed to wear 7 silver stars, on the wings, with only 3 holes, and I still have to wear the numeral 21 on the Combat Air Medal, the shine has worn off, so not sure if they were gold numerals or Bronze, but you have to wear numerals for the number of awards of the Air Medal, instead of stars. My case its numeral 21 as stated Thats what the 214 tells me. The thread went from Air Crew Wings and Combat air Medals to the heat, and rocking in Reno, and sending pictures. I don't know. I'm just going to wear what my 214 tells me to wear. Semper Fi, and Ready-APP.

Posted : 2010-07-09 23:22
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Stars on CAC wings

The "other" stars are for single mission Air Medals, etc. After the initial three strike missions where the wings are earned, every 20 additional missions rates an additional Air Medal. Soooo Ace up above, for instance, wears the numeral 21 to denote a minimum of 420 missions. 440 would be 22 ,etc.
It's all good!

Posted : 2010-07-10 11:26
Posts: 0
New Member

stars on CAC Air Wings.

Joe I agree. I will just stick with the 3 gold stars, as the silver ones would take away from the sharp Combat Wings, I believe, even though I'm susposed to rate 7 silver stars somewhere for the 21 Strikes I had, The last 2 days with the same HAC, I had 79 externals into LZ-211. 35 loads of 155 projectiles the 25th, and the 26th,Aug. had 44 loads of the charges the 155's used. The last day of flying, before being med-evaced out, on the 1st mission, which was the 36th of the two, ran into 211 the snipers decided we had our guard down, and poped us. Well we took them out, and had 43 more before blowing the #2 on the 44th mission that day. We were hauling heavy loads too. I believe we could have gotten at least 85 plus if the #2 had not given out. My Flying ended the next day. It was indeed an Honor to be one of the Best Group of Men the Marine Corps ever had, and would not change a thing. We all had guts, or we would not have been a Crew Chief. The 1st 2 days of flying I had 22 Combats, and the last 2 days went to 79 Combats. Sure wanted to fly the last month with 265, before extending to another Squadron, but it just wasn't meant to be. God was Very Good to me, as he let me live. Semper Fi, and Ready-APP.

Posted : 2010-07-10 12:25
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Re: Rating combat wings

All this conversation about Air Crew Wings really has me confused. Us Korean vintage Rotor Heads didn't have any of this hardware except the Air Medal earned for 15 missions into the Red Zone (enemy territory). Guess I'm just jealous. Anyway, bless you boys, you definitely earned them.

Posted : 2011-10-24 20:21
Posts: 38
Eminent Member

Re: Rating combat wings

All this conversation about Air Crew Wings has this old guy confused. Us Korean vintage Rotor Heads didn't have any of this hardware. The only award was the Air Medal given after 15 missions in the Red Zone (enemy territory). Gunners usually were armed with service 38's in shoulder holsters. I guess I'm just jealous. Anyway you guys certainly deserve whatever you got for the sh-- you had to go through. Semper Fi!

Posted : 2011-10-24 20:30
Posts: 46
Eminent Member

Re: Rating combat wings

RAJones;27390 wrote: Thanks guys. My ex pitched all my papers except one and I am trying to rebuild my info. My 214 says 5 stars regs say you may only wear 3. Go figure. Anyway thanks for the answers. And thanks Dale for the answer on the Air medal star. I have no idea why. Again papers are lost and long gone.


You can get a complete copy of all of your military records by going to this site ......


and submitting a form SF-180.

This military records center is located in St. Louis where I live. If you cannot get them sent for some reason, you can schedule an appointment and designate a representative to get your records in person and copy them. I would be more than happy to be your representative if necessary. However, submitting the form SF-180 should work and be just as fast (4-8 weeks).

I flew many missions with the "Evil Eyes" in 34's and would be glad to help.


Merlin Clayton

VietNam: April, 1968 - Nov 30, 1969

H&MS-16, HMM-165, HMM-263, HML-167, VMO-2

Posted : 2011-10-25 15:57
Posts: 550
Honorable Member

Re: Rating combat wings

For a friend I submit the following attachments for viewing:

Doc #1 is

The Flight Line Vol #2 #5.doc

Doc #2 is

The Flight Line Vol #2 #6.doc

Attached files

image_3836.doc (38 KB)  image_3837.doc (39 KB) 

Posted : 2012-01-24 00:33
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