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phillip allen ducat
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phillip allen ducat

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I am a reporter for The Journal Gazette in Fort Wayne, IN. Does anybody know any surviving relatives of Phillip Allen Ducat, who was shot down in 1966?

Posted : 2005-03-08 17:36
Posts: 0
New Member

Rick... Phil Ducat and I were good friends. We were both stationed at MCAF Santa Ana in the first CH-46 squadron on the West Coast, HMM-164. He and I were both aircraft commanders and in August of 1965 we flew cross country in one of the new CH46A's from the Boeing factory outside of Philidelphia back to Santa Ana. During the trip back to landed at a military base in Indiana and we spent the night at Phil's home. It's been 40 years ago, but as I recall I think I was introduced to Phil's mom and dad and a younger sister. Sorry I don't recall her name. Phil's wife's name was Susan. She was a close friend of my wife and we often got together socially. A few years after Phil's death Barbara talked to Susan and tried to get together with her. However, Susan had remarried, and she was pregnant, and they going to live in Mexico. Susan had become part of the anti war movement and did not want to have anything to do with any of Phil's USMC friends. His loss must have hurt her deeply. That phone call was the last we ever heard of her. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance to you. Hope that you have some luck in finding his family....Good luck....Mike Sullivan

Posted : 2005-03-12 12:39