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New Site

1 Posts
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Posts: 4
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Hello Marines. My name is Bill and I have a website and discussion board for Veterans of Vietnam. I would especially love to see some Marines on the forums at my site. This is a new site and I was lucky enough to get John Barber to give me a link to my site from this one.

My goal with the site is to get the largest collection of stories and photos from the war. The site has no strings and everything is free for Vietnam Veterans. The site is still in it's infancy and will only get better in time, since my brother was Marine and myself in the Navy I would love to get a Marine presence on the board, this is an open invite guys so what are you waiting for? πŸ˜€

Lastly but not leastly, thanks to all you guys who fought in Vietnam and welcome home.

Stories From Vietnam

Photo Gallery



Bill D.

Posted : 2004-09-05 20:42