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Need CH-46 on video...
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Need CH-46 on video.. ASAP

2 Posts
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If anyone can assist, please contact Cheryl directly.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cheryl Fries
Date: Nov 20, 2005 7:22 PM
Subject: Arrowhead Films Need
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

Greetings Gentlemen,

We at Arrowhead Films (makers of "In The Shadow of The Blade") are in
the finishing stages of a new documentary, "An Ocean Away," about the
return of USMC LT Donald Matocha's remains and the subsequent journey
of his sisters and fellow Marines to Vietnam to meet the Vietnamese man
who buried LT Matocha 34 years ago. "An Ocean Away" is a co-production
with The Military Channel, and is scheduled to premiere on that channel
in February, 2006.

I write to you because an important segment of the story is the heroic
helicopter rescue of the Team Dallas Girl Recon Unit (piloted by Ron
Gatewood) and we really need archival footage (home movies) of a CH-46
to illustrate to viewers the type of aircraft used to evacuate the
patrol. Our good friend Gary Roush has pointed out to us that footage
we are currently using is a CH-47 (that's why we always bring vets into
our editing room!).

If anyone out there has home movies of a CH-46 and can help us, please
email me at cfries@arrowheadfilms.com. We are "short" on our deadline,
so I would really appreciate any help asap.

Thanks in advance--and thanks to all of you who have been such great
friends and supporters of ITSOTB.

Cheryl Fries
Creative Director
In The Shadow of The Blade tm
Arrowhead Film & Video

Posted : 2005-11-20 21:12
Posts: 0
New Member

Any original videos with CH-46 in flight that is sent to Cheryl, will be converted to DVD for the owner, at no charge!

Posted : 2005-11-21 13:26