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MIA James Kelly Pat...
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MIA James Kelly Patterson

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luck Patterson
Date: Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 22:31

I was w/ 1/1 Jan '67 to 19 May '67 when my brother James Kelly Patterson was shot down over the North. On the ground injured 3 days, he disappeared, is still MIA, thought to have been "Moscow Bound". I was reassigned to Marine Hospital Liaison, Tachikawa AFB, and may have met some of your readers as casualties. We were ONLY service supplying uni-forms, Emergency pay, ID cards , and visits to our own.

You could favor me, and honor Kelly, if you would pass his story along to your readers:
http://www.prisoner-of-war.com .

Semper Fi--Luck Patterson

Posted : 2008-12-14 21:17