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Marines in Iraq, Do...
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Marines in Iraq, Documentary

3 Posts
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I'm informed that two nights past there was a two hour presentation on TV concerning the Marines in Iraq.
While those who saw it said it was well done and very interesting, neither party can recall which station broadcast it.
I'm informed that there was lots of footage of Marine Helicopters in action

Did anyone happen to catch it and if so on what station was it shown.
I'd like to get a video of the presentation.

Rich Kiselewsky

Posted : 2005-01-29 10:24
Posts: 1030
Noble Member

If you are speaking of the one I watched it was about a Reserve Squadron out of Atlanta and New Orleans operating Cobras in Afsg. That was on the Military channel ( before it was renamed it was Discovery Wings) SF

Posted : 2005-01-29 14:24
Posts: 1
New Member

TV show Trib. to Marines Heroes

Sir ::::This show was with MSMBC~~ Cris Mathews was the moterator Time: was aired @19.30 p.m East time.... Other Former Marines,,,, Gen. Trainor~ ,John Glen~ Ed Mc Mahann.and it was on two nights Honoring the sevice of the young and Old Marines soon to be deployed to Iraq. and if was Camp Pendelton Ca.:.....LIVE.... the 1st-Marine Div Band and Lots of Helo's on display in background on tv shots..Young and old Male & female Marines All... were Just Outstanding....! J.P. murphy.... hope this helps ?

Posted : 2005-01-29 14:48