Can anyone advise of a Marine Corps Birthday Ball in the Phoenix Arizona area this year 2003? I would like to attend just one before I go to the last duty station.
Check your local reserve unit or with the recruiting office. Both or one of them should be having a Marine Corps Ball.
Bill Edwards
Birthday Ball
Check with your local Marine Corps League. I am sure that they will have something going on. If they have nothing, check with Dave Althoff, he lives in Tempe and usually knows whatever is going down in the Valley of the Sun.
Thanks Larry, I spoke with the Sergeant Major of recruiting command in Phoenix just this afternoon, the Ball is being held at Laughlin and he is sending me all particulars,
Thanks again
Semper Fi
Carl Rice
My first
I'll be attending my first ball this year, as well.
We are having our CAP Marine re-union in DC this year and the ballwill be part of it. I'm excited.
Are you able to get into your blues?? Good to hear from you.
I have been through many women but I still have my original Blues, however they only fit my left arm. I have a complete new set from the cover to the patent leather shoes.
always good to here from you Stan.
Semper Fi
P. S. Stan can you remember the name of the little fat guy that jumped in that burning fuel truck to get it off the flight line that night, or the name of the big guy who worked in avoinics and was in on the only killing we done that night.He was one heck of a poker player.