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March 3, 1969, requ...
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March 3, 1969, request from 3rd Recon

2 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: lvetter@stx.rr.com
Date: Nov 17, 2006 6:24 PM

My name is Larry Vetter. I am the Historian of the 3rd Recon Association and have written NEVER WITHOUT HEROES. I am trying to put together a free web site honoring Robert Jenkins and Team Dockleaf. They were inserted onto Hill 1308 (abandoned Fire Support Base Argonne) on March 3, 1969, in the northwestern corner of SVN. In the early hours of March 5 they came under attack, including tear gas, mortars. grenades and automtaic weapons. Three marines were killed, including Robert who threw his body on a grenade to protect his buddies. He, posthumously, was awarded the Medal of Honor.

I have two questions/requests. I would like to know the CH-46 unit that inserted and extracted them and if there are any pilots or crew members still kicking with enough memory to add to the story what still is in their brain housing groups. In addition, I wanted to find out if it is permissible to use any photos of 46's that are on your web site or if any one involved by some great luck has any photos of that rescue. I believe that two CH-46s were involved, and on insert there were the same. Apparently Spooky was also involved before extraction, and there apparently were either fixed wing or helicopter gunships straffing the landing zone on insert. A fire started on the ground in the LZ, and the guys I talked to aren't sure just how, but they think it may have been the result of the strafing runs.

I hope that there is some information available that would provide help in this story.

Semper Fi,

Posted : 2006-11-17 18:34
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

HMM-262 Mission - 5 March 1969

The Emergency Extraction mission for Team DOCKLEAF was flown by HMM-262 out of PROVMAG-39 (Quang Tri). The launch ocurred at 0630 on 5 March 1969. Extraction LZ was XD 675572 (formerly LZ ARGONNE).

Maj Leo J. IHLI (HMM-262 Executive Officer) and Rick ANDERSON were in the lead H-46 (ET-13). 1Lt J. D. COLLINS and Bill NELSON were in the second aircraft (ET-24).

The first a/c picked up 3 Emergency U.S. Medevacs and 1 U.S. KIA. The second a/c picked up 2 Priority U.S. Medevacs, 2 U.S. KIAs and 4 passengers. The weather was IFR with vectors on top to LZ. Weather was clear at LZ during hot extraction under grenade and small arms fire. Shot GCA approach back to Quang Tri at 0805.

UH-1E's from VMO-6 (PROVMAG-39 - Quang Tri) were used to support the extraction.

Enlisted crew members:


J C Evans (c/c?)
J N Merritt
? Calvert


B R Huth (c/c?)
J W Stewart
R W Niemela

Posted : 2006-11-18 00:34