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Marble mountain
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Marble mountain

8 Posts
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John Siren
Posts: 2
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We were hit at the mess hall at Marble Mountain on Thanksgiving. Was this in '69 or '70. This old memory doesn't work as well as it used to. Were the casualities light or heavy. I'd appreciate any feed back on this.

John Siren

Posted : 2006-12-04 21:57
Posts: 0
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Marble Mountain

I was there for Thanksgiving of 1970, and I don't remember getting hit.

Posted : 2006-12-04 22:36
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Yes, we were hit sometime in November 1970. I had the night crew HML 167 and we had just finished a check on one on the Huie's , had preflighted it and was waiting for a test pilot when we got hit. A rocket landed in the reventment about 15 ft. from the bird and did alot of damage to it. I also remember shrapnel hittint the hanger metal roof as we were trying to get into the bunkers. After it was over there was marshall matting laying in chunks all over the base!! The messhall was hit. Also another rocket landed in one of our other reventments and did not go off. It was buried about two feet into the ground. Allyn Hinton may remember this. I due not remember the exact date.

Posted : 2006-12-05 14:17
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I have no recollection of that. I went to Korat, Thailand for three days Crews Rest in November. Maybe it happened while I was gone. I do remember getting hit with rockets and mortars some time in mid to late March of 1971.

Posted : 2006-12-05 15:05
Allyn Hinton
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

I remember late in my tour, so late Nov. is right time frame something hit in the area near the north end of the HML-167 ramp. It was after sun down so it was dark. I was over at the Grass Hut lifting weights. I headed over that way to see what was going on. When I got there the crash crew was on the job putting out a small fire. Someone said some flares had been dropped by accident starting the fire. That is the only event that I remember from about that time frame, and I never ask anyone since no one was killed, or hurt and the crash crew had the fire under control I figured no big deal so I went back to my workout. It might have been a rocket, but something did happen one night late in my tour. I left Vietnam on Dec. 16, 1970, and got back to the U.S. on Dec. 19, 1970.

Posted : 2006-12-05 16:10
john a oubre
Posts: 14
Active Member

I was wounded during a rocket attack that hit the mess hall on 12May68.

Posted : 2006-12-25 20:04
Posts: 592
Admin Active Members

November 70.
Thought about going into the bunker outside avionics, but didn't- worried about the critters that called it home.

Posted : 2006-12-30 21:22
Posts: 0
New Member

Choice of critters??

Slick, sounds like you made a choice of critters inside VS the critters outside:D Reminds me of an reported incident on Okinawa 1945. We had a slit trench VS the Shed with the burn pots later as in Vietnam. That along with our foxholes was about all we could manage between intermittent shelling from the Naha area, night time bombings & trying to keep our TBF flying. Anyway couple of the troops were utilizing the slit trench when a string of artillery shells came in. The bigger Marine grabbed the small one threw him in the trench & jumped on top. After they were out and about the smaller guy was cussing him out for throwing him in the slit trench : with it smelly contents!!.. The big guy replied damn you are ungratefull I saved your life!! Guess its always a matter of choice or who is the biggest πŸ˜€ SF PM

Posted : 2006-12-31 19:50