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Lt Berry/Lt OConnor...
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Lt Berry/Lt OConnor - HMM-164-please email

3 Posts
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Good Morning LT Berry & O'Connor,

If you were these two men-"The squadron assigned to SLT 2/26 in August 1969 was HMM-164. Command Chronologies for August 1969 list 1/Lt Oconner and 1/Lt Berry as flying med-evacs from map cord. BT 650920 on 8/2/1969, they flew out 4 evacs, but there was 2 helicopters, one piloted by Berry and one by Oconner"

I would sincerely appreciate an email from you as I'd like to find out if you are part of the crew that saved my fiancé's life. I know you saved many, but I would love to find this crew to meet them and thank them in person (and of course surprise him with the meeting).

A heartfelt thanks for all you two have done for this Country, and any time you have to write.


Posted : 2010-10-16 08:50
Posts: 0
New Member

Lt, Berry/ Lt. Oconner-HMM-164......

Juli, I do hope it was them, or they may know who did. Really, all most Pilots need to do is look in their Flight Book, and see if they had an e-vac that day close to the cordinates. I've gone over my Flight Record, as I was lucky enough to get mine being Enlisted, and I'm not sure if it was my Bird, or any of my Squadrons, at this point. I do hope you will find out. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-10-16 19:29
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Lt Berry/Lt OConnor - HMM-164-please email

Good Day Juli:
I don't remember the Mission but will go back to check the log books and the maps I kept of Viet Nam. Sorry for the delay in responding, I just haven't been keeping up with PopaSmoke like I should. I will be checking often on the site

Tim Berry Maj Ret USMC

Posted : 2011-07-14 13:55