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LPH-5 crew members ?

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Received via e-mail:
Sir, I read an account of 362's 1962 entry into Vietnam by Larry Shirley. I was a flight deck LSE at that time. In June of 1962 I went to New River Air Station. Are any LPH-5 crew members a member of USMC/VHA? I would be interested in locating some men, like Jim Belt, UH-1 pilot. I am able to contact Slatts Whitley, Dick Gillette & Frank Malik. Louis Neaveau and Tom Gainer were both killed in a motorcycle accident in 1962 after going to El Toro NAS.

I just registered but I do not think it went through.
My E-Mail is mjlclay@bbtel.com.

Larry L (Lawrence) Clay, Cpl, 1891797
1509 St John Rd
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
(270) 360-0006

Posted : 2004-04-14 21:16